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Saturday, July 26, 2008

A True Story and Healthy Skin

If your goals include achieving optimal health, a more youthful appearance and a better quality of life, wouldn't it be great to know some of the best skincare solutions that can reclaim your smooth, fresh, youthful complexion and have you waking up every morning looking your best?

Here's a true story. On a recent visit to my hometown in Lithuania, I was reminded by my half sister about a woman we used to know who one day went to her old family doctor complaining of a stomachache. After she described her symptoms, the old doctor peered over his glasses and simply said: "Go see an eye doctor". The woman was stunned. "But, doctor," she said, "I have a stomachache. There's nothing wrong with my eyes." The doctor was adamant. "I am telling you," he said. "Go and see optician." When the woman asked why, the doctor replied: "You have to see an eye doctor in order to see better what you are eating!"

His advice is a good lesson for all of us. If we all looked really closely at the food we are eating every day and thought seriously about what we're putting into our systems, there would be far less sick people in the world. And we all would have healthy and glowing skins.

Non-invasive anti-aging treatments have become very popular these days. But skin care treatments do not require any surgical procedures. All we have to do is find better ways of managing our daily lives. The most natural and recommended way is to eat a well balanced diet combined with exercising and relaxation techniques, all of which will go a long way toward avoiding stress and are far more effective and far less expensive than opting for a surgical remedy or getting Botox injections.

Botox injections, for example, cost approximately $400 each, can take up to three weeks before any results are seen and must be repeated every four to six months. In some women, however, these procedures can cause severe and unforeseen scarring and freezing of the facial tissue. Natural face care, on the other hand, will leave your skin healthy, rejuvenated, refreshed and beautiful without the pain and suffering.

Do a little research and choose what is suitable for your particular skin. If a therapist does little more than try to sell you the most expensive anti-aging skin treatment without giving you any other options, you should seriously think about going somewhere else for advice. While learning more about the ingredients is the most important thing you can do when considering anti-aging treatments, always keep in mind that natural ingredients do not irritate the skin or have any negative side effects.

I'm not against the concept of anti-aging. We all want to stay active and healthy well into the later years of our lives. But to do that, we have to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and beautiful looking skin requires an on-going commitment to daily skin care. You can stay healthy and beautiful with antioxidants and protect your body by eating fruits and vegetables. With a healthy lifestyle and periodic maintenance, youth and beauty can be sustained for a long time.

I've personally spent many years looking for solutions to stay as young and beautiful as I can, and because I have adopted a healthy lifestyle, I actually stopped wearing foundation now that my skin is so smooth and lovely. I also discovered some secrets that plastic surgeons will never tell you and also the cosmetic industry will not tell you how to read labels in order to choose safer, more effective products and treatments.


Shea Butter For Dry Skin

Itchy, dry skin is more than irritating. It is annoying. It can also make you nervous while at the same time make your skin red and scaly looking. But what can you do to treat and prevent this very aggravating and common condition from occurring and reoccurring?

First, you may want to figure out the reason your skin is so dry and itchy. Is it because of the weather? It is because there is a lack of humidity in your surroundings. Could you have a skin condition that needs to be treated by a doctor? This could include an allergic reaction to one or many things.

There are many allergens and other substances that your skin comes into contact with on a daily basis that can cause your skin to become dry. Some of the most common of these are: harsh detergents and your water (yes, most homes have what is considered to be hard water.) As the name applies it can hard or harsh to your skin, as well as to your hair. This type of water contains many impurities which can cause your skin to become dry.

You may need to see a physician, especially if you think you may have a major skin condition, an allergic reaction (if a rash is also present this could be an indication) or if your skin is getting worse. Your physician may prescribe one of many medications to help treat the allergy, skin condition and the itchiness.

If you think it is because of your environmental conditions, you may want to consider adding a humidifier to your surroundings, if it is possible. But if you think your dry skin is not that serious, as of yet and is still treatable by you, there are a number of at home remedies that you can try.

1. Moisturize your skin Look for products that are made for dry, yet sensitive skin. Use moisturizing products all year long. Remember they may even help prevent wrinkles. A great option is Shea Butter which is loaded with essential fatty acids, anti-oxidants and phytonutrients to deeply moisturize the skin. Just place some in your hands first and allow it to warm. Then it can spread quicker. You can apply this at night and wake up with softer, more moisturized skin by morning.

2. Drinking more water If your body isn't getting enough water inside of it, your skin will become dry. Then it will not matter how much lotions and potions you apply to it, it will remain that way. You know they say you should drink from 6 to 8 eight ounce glasses a day. Strive for as close to this as you can.

3. Is your skin extremely dry? Try this messy method. Take a warm bath. Then after partially drying off, apply thick liberal layers of Shea Butter all over your skin. Now promptly put on your pajamas and go to bed. You will wake up with really soft, supple glowing skin with a velvety texture.

Here are a few more suggestions for prevent dry skin in the first place:

1. Cover your face and body when it is windy outside.
2. Wear gloves when the temps begin to drop or when you are gardening.
3. Don't go barefoot often. It is hard on the bottom of your feet.
4. Use gentle exfoliating treatments to remove dead skin.
5. Moisturize daily, if possible twice with Shea Butter
6. Wear that sunscreen, even in the winter.
7. Bath in lukewarm water, using mild soaps.
8. Don't overuse antibacterial soaps.
9. Drink water
10. Eat healthy and don't forget those fruits

Remember dry skin makes us appear dull and can cause us to age quicker. Do what you can to keep that skin soft and moisturized.


Care For Your Skin

The right kind of skin care keeps the skin youthful and fresh. The right routine involves a whole skin care regime. The very first step when opting for it is to know your skin type. There are three main skin types' namely oily, dry and combination. Each type requires a unique skin care program. A healthy and glowing skin not only makes you look good but also boosts your confidence.

The basic purpose of respective treatments is of related problems that might present themselves and the avoidance of future problems. If one follows an appropriate program then the treatment of any infections and maladies can be restricted.

The focal routine involves three steps, cleansing, toning and moisturizing of the skin according to the skin kind. The first step, which is, also the most important step involves removing the dirt and dead cells from the surface. In the absence of this step the dirt accumulates on the skin, which not only robs it off its shine and luster but also leads to serious skin ailments like acne and other infections. Cleansing should not only be limited to the face but should be performed on the entire body.

Toning follows the cleansing step. Not only does it remove the leftover dirt from the cleansing step but also helps in the restoration of the skin's natural values. Further it aids in the reducing the pores and hence lessening the probability of acne.

The third and also an equally important step is that of moisturizing. It is performed for the purpose of hydrating the skin and thwarting dryness. Several facemasks help in maintaining a moisturizing effect and are highly suggested for those who suffer from dehydrated and sensitive skin types. Further exfoliation should be carried out on a weekly basis.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Can Stretch Marks Go Away - Getting Answers to the Question

Stretch mark is a sad condition. Although you might have been burdened by this problem just recently and you don't know what to do about it, treating it early on is one of the best things you can do. If you're still looking for the answer to the question, can stretch marks go away? Then go no further because today is your lucky day.

The first thing one should do to find a solution to your problem is to understand what your problem is. Once you have understood this, this will help you decide what the best solution is for you.

What are stretch marks? Stretch marks are actually types of scars that develop in the middle layer of the skin called the dermis. Although it might not be obvious at first but the scars or stretch marks start to appear as the body rapidly expands due to growth as a teenager, hormonal changes during pregnancy, or becoming overweight due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

When rapid expansion happens, the tissues in the middle layer of the skin start to tear because it has reached its limit. At this point, the collagen production has been interrupted and the skin can no longer heal itself, thus making the stretch marks visible.

How to cure stretch marks?

There are many ways to get rid of stretch marks and although it is best to use treatment to prevent stretch marks from developing, you still can stretch marks go away by using effective treatments. There might be a number of treatments out there that will work but only a few of the solutions will not cost you a bundle and are all natural without causing any side effects. It is especially important for a pregnant woman to use a treatment that is safe for her and her baby.

Natural Ingredients - While other stretch mark creams have harsh chemicals in them will only cause more harm than cure, there are also a few creams in the market that are all-natural and safe to use. If you have sensitive skin, you should stay away from creams with harsh, synthetic chemicals. If you want to play it safe and be sure of the results that the product promises to deliver then you should opt for all-natural stretch mark products only.

If you use a natural stretch mark remedy, not only will it remove your unsightly marks, it will also continue to heal and prevent other stretch marks from developing. The solution is made up of all natural substances yet is powerful enough to stimulate the collagen and elastin in the inner parts of your skin. This will also help the skin become more elastic and firm.

Treatment Duration - The duration of the treatment will also depend on your gene and skin type. So don't wait for your stretch marks to get worse, make your stretch marks go away today. Just make sure you use the right stretch mark removal product.


3 Day Face Lift - What is it and Does it Work?

Wouldn't it be great if you could have the benefits of a face lift without the surgery and still see results in as early as 3 days? Thanks to Dr. Perricone and his 3 day face lift diet plan, now you can. You can use it by itself or you can use it as a start to a 28 day plan to help reverse the signs of stress and aging on your skin.

The 3 Day Face Lift diet increases the fatty acids and antioxidants in your body to maximize the benefits of them on your skin. As an added benefit, it makes you feel healthier and may even help you to lose weight. These nutrients come from replacing the regular foods in your diet with salmon and an abundance of fruits and vegetables.

There are many different types of fatty acids. Some come from plants while others originate from marine life. The body then uses these acids as they are or transform them into other components needed for bodily processes. The biggest problem is that two of these acids cannot be made by the body. Instead, they must be absorbed from the foods that you eat.

Essential fatty acids play an important role in many of the body's important life processes. Your immune system, circulatory system, and brain activity are just a few of the areas in the body that benefits from these nutrients. These nutrients also have a drastic effect on your skin.

The fatty acids included in the 3 day facelift prevents the moisture from being leached from your skin, which often causes the fine lines and wrinkles as well as skin inflammation. This inflammation not only causes red or swelled patches of skin, but also causes your pores to become clogged. Finally, omega-3s protect your skin from the sun and pollutants in the environment that can have serious negative effects on the quality of your skin.

Besides helping your body with things such as oxygen levels, brain activity, and digestion, fatty acids like omega-3 help to protect your skin and heal the damage that has already occurred. When your body uses oxygen, it produces toxins called free radicals that attack cells in the body, harming its normally healthy structure, causing effects such as illness and visible signs of aging.

The 3 day diet focuses on low glycemic indexed foods that provide an abundance of essential fatty acids and antioxidants to turn back the clock on your skin and your body. The main component is wild salmon that is eaten twice a day along with other foods rich in fatty acids such as omega-3 eggs. For antioxidants, you need to eat lots of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables such as berries, melons, and lettuce. For snacks, you can have nuts, yogurt, and poultry.

How to Find the Best Wrinkle Cream

When searching for the best wrinkle cream, you are bombarded with thousands of products all promising to be the best. The problem is telling the difference between a product that is nothing more than a greasy substance sold at an exuberant price and the genuine thing. If you are willing to do a small amount of research, several things will help you determine the frauds from the real deal.

Look For Proof

All products say that they work, but keep in mind that actions speak louder than words. People who have actually used the product are a great way to find out if a cream works. Ads for wrinkle cream products will often have testimonials with before and after pictures of satisfied clients. These are a good way to see and hear about the product first hand.

Magazines, television stations, and beauty sites will often conduct their own trials and reviews on these products and may even have additional information about the products. Forums and review websites can also be helpful. Also, look for independent studies that test the product. The key is to come up with third party sources that provide you with evidence that the cream works.

Look For How A Wrinkle Cream Works

Companies that sell the best wrinkle creams are eager to tell you exactly how their product works and why. These products will use substances such as vitamin A or other components that strengthen collagen and elastin in the skin. Other ingredients included in the product may include moisturizers, nutrients, and other ingredients to help with the absorption of the ingredients and the overall health of your skin.

Dollars and Sense

When it comes to the prices of products, the general idea is the more expensive it is the better the product works. This is often the case, but it is not always true. Any company can market a product for a higher price regardless of whether it works or not. Instead, look for products that offer a money back guarantee with very little or none of the fine print.

Although some companies may ask you a few questions about your experience with the product, these companies should offer to return the cost of the product regardless of why you are unhappy with it. Phrases such as "conditional guarantee" or "unopened product" should serve as warning signs for a bad product. If their treatment truly does work as they say, they should stand behind them.

So there you go.

Although it is possible to find the right wrinkle treatment through blind trial and error, this can turn into a long and expensive process that might allow wrinkles to get worse. The secret to finding the best wrinkle cream is research. The more you know about a product, the faster you will find the results you are looking for.

Stretch Mark Cream - Find Out What Works

Stretch mark creams are available with all sorts of different ingredients to cure these long embarrassing scars. Some of these focus on getting rid of the pink or red color of new marks while other treatments include moisturizers and healing agents such as aloe vera to help prevent the severity of stretch marks. When the white or silvery scars appear, these substances can help, but they will not produce the results you are looking for. Effective scar creams for older stretch marks need to include ingredients that treat the scars themselves as well as the surface layers.

Ingredients For The Skin's Surface

One ingredient, commonly used in acne scar and wrinkle treatments, also works well on the surface of stretch marks. Alternatively referred to as hydroxyacetic acid, glycolic acid is a form of alpha hydroxyl acid often used in chemical peels. This ingredient inhibits the ability of lipids to adhere to each other. This allows the product to remove the dead skin cells that makes stretch marks so vivid. As an added benefit, this product removes the dull and unhealthy looking skin to leave behind fresh, younger looking skin behind.

Shea butter, cocoa butter, and borage oil work to add moisture to the surface of the scars and surrounding skin. The moisture keeps the tissue soft while allowing the skin to repair itself more effectively. Many experts agree that the massaging action that is used to apply these types of ingredients also plays an important role in the treatment of these marks. It is thought that this promotes circulation that speeds up the healing process.

Ingredients That Treat From The Inside

Vitamin E, aloe vera, and natural herbs are also found in popular stretch mark serums to help with the treatment of stretch marks. Unlike glycolic acid, these components provide nutrients to the scars and surrounding tissue. Since stretch marks are the result of torn collagen and elastin in the skin, these nutrients are vital to ensure the body has enough nourishment to repair of this important layer.

Centillica asiatica and amino acids are important components in stretch mark treatments. Centillica asiatica encourages the collagen and elastin in the skin to regenerate. It also helps the skin to absorb other important nutrients and substances needed in the healing process. Amino acids prevent stretch marks from forming or getting worse by inhibiting the deterioration of the skin's connective tissue. Because proteins are the main factor in cell regeneration, the amino acids in stretch mark creams allow your body to increase its rate of skin cell production while strengthening the peptide bonds that hold everything together.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Natural Skin Care - Natural Or Organic?

Natural skin care commonly refers to two areas of managing our skin. One, the foods we eat and the products we use - deemed "natural" by the ingredients and sometimes their processing. Organic skin care generally refers to products that have been "certified" and qualify as all-natural and organic.

Natural Skin Care

Much of the health of our skin revolves around the foods we eat. If you've ever had the opportunity (and I hope you have) to go a week or two without fried foods, you understand that you feel healthier more vibrant and with increased energy - especially if your diet has included fresh fruits and vegetables. When I travel - which is often - I stop by the local convenience store and pick-up a banana and apple.

Amazingly, eating fresh fruit will help regulate your system and provide vital nutrients. Conversely, if I spend a few days running around, pop a few burgers and bags of fries in my mouth, I start feeling lethargic - and my stomach is none to happy either. Interesting - my doctor has been telling me this for years.

How does this apply to skin care? Well, the same food that provides nutrition works to feed all the cells in your body - and the largest organ is the dermal layers. Oily, greasy foods can lead to poor complexion, dry skin and skin rashes. Healthy foods and eating habits will help deliver vitamins and minerals and help the health of skin oils.

Natural skin care products target formulations with naturally-occurring compounds, botanical extracts, naturally derived processes and active ingredients. Often natural products will be paraben and sulfate-free. Parabens are used as preservatives and sulfates are used cleansers. Many natural products are "almost" natural in that they commonly use gentle preservatives to maintain the life of the product and less-harsh and safer cleansers such as sodium laureth sulfate (versus Sodium Laurel Sulphate).

Organic Skin Care

Most skin care manufacturers would agree that "organic" requires certification. Several boards and oversight groups provide certification after extensive study and analysis. Organic products give you the added comfort that what you're putting on your skin is, well, grown. Animal by-products, synthetic chemicals and preservatives are a no-no.

With that said, the art of organic skin care is an art and science as is much of skin care. Identifying organic ingredients that truly are effective is a skill, and formulating without preservatives may lead to a shorter shelf-life than some products - though research has improved efficacy and fear of bacteria accumulation.

Herbal Skin Care - The Benefits of Using True Herbal Skin Care and Not "Natural" Synthetic Products

Herbal skin care - the benefits of using true herbal skin care and not "natural" synthetic products

Don't you just hate it when the big pharmaceutical corporations loudly insist that their chemical products are safe in skin care creams?

Even when they must know natural ingredients are safer, softer and superior!

It happens all the time, of course. And herbal skin care products are an excellent example.

Herbal treatment for the skin is ancient and effective. Egyptian elites 2000 years before Christ were successfully using sophisticated herbal skin care to maintain stunning, youthful complexions in the harsh heat of the Nile valley. You can clearly see this in hundreds of tomb painting, preserved in the dry desert.

Yet, in modern times, the chemical industry scorns the wealth of information freely given away by herbal doctors and constantly puts out disinformation about the effectiveness of herbal products and disingenuously proclaims the ingredients in their pharmaceuticals are better, more targeted and (even) environmentally friendly. Plus they warn that herbal skin care ingredients can clash in your body's systems with legitimate, tested and safe synthetic medicines.

This is nonsense, of course. They should be warning us against their ingredients! And let me show you why.

Just take three groups of ingredients found in most synthetic skin care products. It doesn't take much investigation to find they are toxic and harmfully.

Sulphates such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate are commonly found as cleansers in many shampoos and shower gels. They're cheap and strong. But they can irritate the skin. And Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is linked to cancer. They contain 1.4 dioxane, which is a known toxin and carcinogen that is easily absorbed through the skin. Members of the Ethoxylates, they are unstable and break down in direct sunlight, forming the skin-damaging free radicals.

Chemical preservatives like formaldehyde, methylisothiazolinones and DMDM hydantonin are put into many synthetic skin care creams, even though it's better to use natural alternatives such as Vitamin E, grapefruit seed extract, honey and sandalwood essential oil. True, these natural compounds last a shorter time than most chemical preservatives, but they adequately preserve herbal skin care products and give you the benefit of their own nourishing qualities.

Propylene Glycol (PG) & Butylene Glycol are petroleum plastics widely used in car anti-freeze and skin care, despite the fact that they can penetrate your skin and weaken protein and cell structures. PG is so strong it dissolves stainless steel in 48 hours and can only be kept in plastic containers. The EPA insists it only be handled wearing protective gloves, clothing and goggles. But some skin care manufacturers use concentrations of up to 20 percent of it.

I could make a very long list of widely used, dangerous chemicals, but I think you can see that there is a trend here. It's this. The big chemical companies don't mind putting dangerous toxic chemicals into your skin care products.

And the reason is obvious -- these are thick-skinned businesses (no pun intended) that exist simply to return profits to shareholders. Synthetic chemicals are cheaper than herbal ingredients. So the corporations chose to ride out any litigation from their small-fry customers, and keep producing synthetic skin care at the lowest possible price. Lower than good herbal skin care creams and lotions.

Alarmingly, there is no legal definition of "natural". So a corporation can make a 100 percent synthetic skin care product and yet call it "natural". To someone who doesn't know, it may seem like it is a herbal skin care item.

Thankfully most of their ingredients have a molecular structure which makes it impossible for them to penetrate your skin, even when you pat on and rub in the creams and lotions. But these chemicals still sit on the surface of your face and arms, where they clog the entrances to your pores and trigger allergies and health problems. (Well, "problems" is a little mild, as some chemicals in skin care products, such as Sodium Laural sulfate has been shown to be fatal.)

We've got to be very, very careful if we choose to use synthetic skin care products rather than herbal skin care.

Actually, in conclusion, I would always recommend herbal treatment for the skin of anyone who asks me. There are excellent herbal skin care companies out there. They are usually small and efficient, and they can make healthy products at a reasonable price even though they are forced to compete with the giant pharmaceutical corporations which have the advantage of dirt cheap ingredients and economies of scale. I've written more about them at my web site, and I invite you to visit and learn more about this unhappy situation.

Steam Showers Are Great For Your Skin

There are lots of ways to improve the condition of your less-than-par skin. You can try medications, creams and lotions. You can change your diet, stop eating salty peanuts, and make an attempt to control the stress in your life. These are all variables that may or may not help clear up your skin problems. However, anyone with skin problems is probably more than willing to try all of these things, religiously, for a mere hope that it will help, when maybe the answer has been with us all along.

Of course we all know how important water is to our well being. We know we need to drink a lot of water in order to survive, we know it's important to bathe everyday, and we know rain water helps keep our planet healthy and nourished, and we all know without it that we couldn't survive. It isn't until recently that we started exploring new ways that water in other forms can benefit us as well. For example we know all about the benefits from liquid water, like boiling it for cooking, and freezing it for ice, but what about other forms, like vapor and steam?

Not only can it help power engines, but believe it or not, steam can work wonders for the body and soul. Steam Showers are the latest use of water. They are powered by a generator that is either under the unit, under the bench (if applicable to your model) or in a nearby bathroom vanity. The wetness and heat from the shower, which is typically about 115 degrees, and the 100 percent humidity that comes along with it, is extremely healthy for your skin. It opens and cleans pores, and allows the facial muscles to relax and repair themselves.

People often characterize their favorite part of their gym experience as the end. The end part where you get to relax in the soothing Steam Shower part. It allows the body to unwind, and relax. Imagine having one of these in your own home. It can open your mind to a whole new world of possibilities, which under the right circumstances, will include clearer skin thanks to our very own Mother Nature, and the wonders of her water.

Skin Care Creams - A Beginner's Guide

The skin care creams you choose affect your skin condition. Using creams that have too much emollients will cause your skin to be oily whereas strong cleansers and exfoliating gels often result in dry, sensitive skin, if applied without knowing what your skin type actually is.

Before you choose a proper skin care cream suitable to your skin, you need to know what influences your skin, and in what condition is your skin is in. Evaluate your skin on a day when you have not worn any makeup or put on skin care moisturizer creams. The reason why you should carry out this assessment when you are not wearing any creams or makeup is that the nutrients supplied by the creams affect the sebaceous glands provide oil for your skin. This will not let you make a clear assessment of your skin.

Once you have assessed the needs of your skin, with proper skin care creams you can give your skin the right treatment whenever and however frequently it needs it. This treatment is much better than anything at an expensive medical facility.

People who frequently wash their faces will find the moisturizer creams effective. Individuals with advanced dry skin conditions can benefit from creams with active anti-puritic agents such as oatmeal and tar-based pine oil.

It has been confirmed by medical and skin experts that optimal skin regeneration can be achieved by applying topical skin care moisturizer creams.

Basically, these creams consist of substances that help the skin to regenerate its lost fatty tissues and elasticity. Specific areas are targeted by the medication with special components to stimulate the skin's collagen production and thus improve elasticity. The skin's innate moisturizing ability is restored by these two elements.

But not all skin care products are made with identical ingredients. Different kinds are produced to work with certain types of skin or to address specific skin conditions. In a future article I will cover some of the additional factors that need to be considered when choosing skin creams that will best work for wrinkles.

What is a Cold Sore? Learn About These Painful Sores

Many people suffer with unsightly and painful blisters on or around their mouths but are not sure what they are. These are known as fever blisters or cold sores. These blisters actually come from the herpes simplex virus. There are certain factors that can trigger a break out of cold sores so it can be very helpful for a person to know these triggers so that they can avoid unwanted breakouts. Once you know the signs of a cold sore, you can then take measure to help the cold sore disappear in no time flat.

Herpes simplex virus is the cause of cold sores. There are a total of two types of herpes and most are not aware that there are two types. The first is called herpes simplex type 1. This type generally hits the body parts that are found on the upper torso or above the belt. This is the main form of herpes that causes cold sores. Then there is herpes simplex virus type 2 which hits the body parts that are on the lower torso or the ones below the belt. This form of herpes is also known as genital herpes. Keep in mind, that while it is not regular for this type to cause cold sores, it can in fact cause them.

Many people think that when they have a bout of cold sores it is due to some virus that they had recently come in contact with. The truth is that it is just a flare up of something you already have in your system, which is a form of herpes. There are things that can irritate it such as stress or even a virus that you have in your body. When you are about to break out with a cold sore you will feel a swollen or puffy spot on or around your lip and you may feel a tingling sensation.

When you feel the sign of a cold sore coming on, you will want to start treatment as soon as possible. By starting the treatment as quickly as possible, you can actually slow down or ward off a cold sore all together. Some of the best treatments that you can do for a cold sore is when during the first signs. You can try such things as icing the tingly area. Many people swear by using ice you can actually stop a cold sore from coming out all the way.

If you find that you suffer from frequent cold sores, then the above information may be very helpful so that you can end the viscous cycle. Keep an eye for the above symptoms and when you feel a cold sore coming on, start treatment right away. If you find that you didn't catch it in time to stop it from coming, there are plenty of over the counter medications as well as prescribed ones from your physician.