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Friday, September 12, 2008

Eczema Treatment - Stasis Dermatitis - How to Exercise to Help Your Condition - Part 1

The majority of people affected by stasis dermatitis are over the age of 40 years old. This may cause some difficulties for some of you when I tell you one of your better choices of treatment. However, for the majority of people this may just be a welcomed treatment.

Stasis dermatitis is a common form of eczema that affects in the majority of cases the lower legs of the person involved: One of its causes being poor blood circulation. When you are at rest and you have stasis dermatitis, you are advised that you should elevate your legs so that in order for the blood to get to your heart, it has to flow in a downward direction. That should not be a problem.

What may be a problem though for some is exercise. Exercise is thought to be one of the best treatments for this type of eczema. You will still have to be careful about how you let yourself heat up and the effect that it will have on your eczema. With this in mind, I explain to you how you can exercise safely; how you can exercise in the way that helps you and does not hurt you.

You will want to get aerobic exercise. The way you will do that is measure your heart beats per minute while you are resting. You will figure out what 170% of that number is and that is the rate you will want to exercise at.

For example; you take the count and find that when you are at rest, your heart beats 60 times in one minute. What you will then want to do is math. If 60 is 100% of your resting heart beats, then to find 170% of your resting heart beat rate you will multiply 60 x 170 = 10,200. You then divide 10,200 by 100, which gives you a target heart of 102 beats per minute when you are exercising.

No matter what your resting heart rate is, you can use this formula to get a target heart rate to work out at. All you will need to do is substitute your resting heart rate number for the 60 in our example and do the math.

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Eczema Treatment - Stasis Dermatitis - How to Exercise to Help Your Condition - Part 2

This feat will probably sound more difficult than it really is. One of the ways that you will know that you are doing these exercises correctly is that you will be able to carry on a conversation while you are exercising at 170% of your resting heart rate. If you can not breathe properly and carry on a conversation you are exercising too heavily. In order for this type of exercise to work to help stasis dermatitis, it can not be too strenuous.

Just make sure that you can still talk while you are working out and you should be alright. The exercise you want to use are walking, or cycling. Swimming is also good aerobic exercise, but the water might dehydrate and damage your skin if you are in it for over 20 minutes.

You will want to exercise at this intensity for a duration of 30 - 45 consecutive minutes, for a frequency of 5 times per week. This means that you are being asked to adopt a more active lifestyle and it is hoped that the activity will be enough to cause eczema to go away.

One of the ways that the increased heart rate will help you is with swelling in the lower legs. There are "locks" in the blood vessels that prevent the backflow of blood once it enters the veins taking the blood back to the heart. As people age, these locks can lose some of their efficiency, and begin to leak. When blood vessels in the lower legs leak, any excess blood is able to pool in the lower legs and causes swelling and tightness in those areas. Exercise is able to help with this by putting things in motion so that while the locks may not be completely repaired, the extra speed with which things are moving will help to take some of the excess material away from the area, so that the area can be more relaxed.

You should be aware though that stasis dermatitis, also called gravitational dermatitis can sometimes be a challenge to solve, and that when you do exercise and you see improvements in the area you should not rest on what has been accomplished. The gains that were achieved can be also very easily lost; again what you are aiming at is a change in lifestyle that will ultimately affect your condition's ability to affect you.

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Eczema Treatment - 1 Reason Why Eczema is Affecting More and More People

Eczema is a fairly common problem among people. Of all skin disorders eczema accounts for about 30% of all problems. Eczema is not one kind of disease, but a range of diseases that are characterized as being a result of a skin inflammation. This means that eczema will have different looks and treatments. One thing that remains common in all eczema's is the aggravating itch that you have to get rid of. Another thing that is known about eczema is that the amount of people with the condition has been increasing over the past 15 years. This article talks about eczema and one of the reasons why it may be increasing. There are more than one, but we talk of only one.

As said before eczema is one of the most common skin problems. It comprises 30% of all skin conditions. Eczema is also responsible for being the cause of hospitalizations in some people. When assigning a rate to the number of hospitalizations enforced by eczema we are able to determine that roughly 20% of all hospitalizations in dermatology or skin medicine cases are because of eczema.

It is also known that 20% of children have eczema, while 5% of the adult population has the immune and skin condition. The huge change in the amount of children versus adults with the condition eczema is because the condition is sometimes outgrown at the various stages of life. Around 1 year old some babies stop having eczema, then another group will outgrow the condition by age 2; another group will be freed around age 5, another at the beginning of puberty, another at the end of puberty, and others not at all. These people will just have to continue treatments to make sure that the eczema that lives in them remains sedentary and unlikely to strike. They will have to stay away from eczema triggers.

Sometimes a person gets eczema in their adult years, but this is somewhat rare as most people with eczema experience symptoms from the disease from the time they are babies.

It is considered that the increase in eczema may have something to do with an increase in cleaning chemicals doing two things. In one instance, they clean the environments so much that the indoor environment is too sterile and getting sick when you go outside becomes that much easier.

It is also thought that the chemicals themselves are able to instigate eczema flare ups. To counteract this, you can consider using HEPA filtered air filters to clean airborne chemicals from the environments that you will be in most.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

5 Things You Must Not Do If You Want Younger, Smoother, and More Attractive Skin

If you are looking for younger, smoother, and more attractive skin, stay away from products that contain artificial ingredients. The best formula for great looking skin is a natural skincare . The ones that have shown to be effective are ones that are safe to ingest, as natural as possible, and proven in clinical experiments.

The first thing not to do is ingest something that isn't natural. If natural skincare can not claim that it is safe enough to eat, then the light bulb should go on with a question to follow. Would I consume these proclaimed natural skin care products? Definitely something to investigate.

The second thing not to do is find something with an instant fix. Protecting your health should correlate to a long-term path. Natural skincare should be factored into your daily routine so that each step can lead to desired results.

The third thing not to do regarding natural skin care products is make a purchase where diligent research doesn't prevail. You want to make sure that products have gone through a thorough test before hitting the market ensuring that you aren't the guinea pig when deciding on a product.

The fourth thing not to do is purchase any natural skin care products from a company that uses tiny amounts of active ingredients. As companies test out products and try to cut back on active ingredients, the results can be skewed or inaccurate when it comes to actual usage. Check out the research process that a company does on their natural skincare.

The fifth thing not to do is overlook a guarantee that a company offers. The best way to determine if any natural skin care products works for your type of skin is to try it out for yourself. Money can easily be thrown down the drain if a purchase has been made, but come to find out it doesn't work as well as you initially thought.

Ensure any line of natural skincare is natural, provides long term health, has a history of extensive research, uses a proportioned amount of active ingredients, offers some type of guarantee, and you'll be well on your way to younger, smoother, more attractive skin.

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Eczema Cure - Understanding Hyperpigmentation So That it Does Not Bother You

When you have eczema, one of the things you should do is have an awareness of what it takes to keep hyperpigmentation away. Hyperpigmentation is when some areas of the skin become darker than other areas. This problem has occurred in many people that have eczema. This article is written so that you can understand hyperpigmentation in eczema, and know how to prevent it from bothering with your skin.


Melanin is the ink or pigment that gives your skin its color. Whatever color dyes that melanin produces in your skin is the color that your skin will be. Sometimes, things go wrong and melanin cells produce dyes that are colored differently from that of the cells in the rest of your body. This is called hyperpigmentation. When hyperpigmentation is a result of an eczema flare up or bout with inflammation, it is referred to as post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH.)

There are two suspected causes of PIH. When people assigned the task of diagnosing the problem do their work, they determine which form of PIH they are dealing with based on the appearance of the skin in the affected area.

Damaged cells

The first suspected cause of PIH is a direct effect of having been exposed to inflammation, and it has to do with damaged melanin cells. When inflammation burns out of control, it can damage cells in the body. In this case, melanin cells have been damaged, and as a result they produce an off colored pigment, which causes the skin in the area of the flare up to turn a darker shade than your normal skin color.

When this form of PIH comes into play, the affected skin usually develops a dirty brown complexion.

Haemosiderin deposits

Haemosiderin is a substance that is contained in red blood cells. Sometimes when blood is dispatched to an area to work on the inflammation and clean up processes, haemosiderin deposits can be left behind which stain the skin and gives it a reddish brown appearance.


To prevent the formation of PIH, there are a number of things you can do. Two of the most important things are probably avoiding exposure to direct sunlight, and keeping your body amply supplied with anti-oxidants and fatty acids that will reduce the levels of inflammation that lies latent within you.

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Phytessence Wakame - Or Why Put Seaweed on Your Skin?

Ever heard of Phytessence Wakame? If you're interested in good skin care you should have. No, I'm wrong. If you're interested in the BEST skin care products you should be familiar with Phytessence Wakame. Here's why.

This strange sounding substance (try saying Phytessence Wakame 5 times fast) is derived from kelp. It's a seaweed, or sea algae to be specific, that is found around Japan. It is a large part of the traditional Japanese diet, being eaten dried and fresh.

It is no coincidence that the Japanese consume a lot of Phytessence Wakame and they have some of the best skin in the world. It is prized by the Japanese for this reason.

Just why is it that Phytessence Wakame is so good for the skin, and works so well for the Japanese? What qualities does it have that make it one of the most important ingredients ever put into modern and effective skin care products?

Phytessence Wakame is packed with all sorts of wonderful substances that are good for your skin. It is rich in calcium, having 15 times more calcium than milk. It is also rich in minerals and vitamins and in particular the B group vitamins, especially vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12. These help to sooth inflammation of the skin.

It is also high in iron and potassium, and all these ingredients together combine to help maintain the skin's moisture balance, keeping your skin hydrated, which in turn keeps it looking young and healthy.

But equally important, if not more so, is the ability of Phytessence Wakame to perform a particular function for us that is of enormous benefit to our overall skin health. It helps inhibit the effects of hyaluronidase.

What in the world is hyaluronidase I hear you say? (I have very good hearing.)

Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid in our skin. And hyaluronic acid is very important to our skin. The effect of hyaluronic acid, when combined with elastin and collagen, is to maintain the smoothness and elasticity of your skin right into old age. It keeps your skin toned and looking youthful. It makes sure that your skin not only looks youthful, but is healthy too.

So you want plenty of hyaluronic acid. So if hyaluronidase breaks it down you don't want too much hyaluronidase. And if Phytessence Wakame helps inhibit the effects of hyaluronidase then it is doing a world of good work for your skin. It's helping inhibit one of the main factors contributing to skin decline with age.

You won't find much Phytessence Wakame in modern well known brands of skin care products, most of which don't work very well anyway. You need to look a little harder to find it, it's only in the best skin care products money can buy. And at a price that is pretty competitive to what you're probably paying for your skin care products right now.

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Natural Ways to Remove Cellulite

Almost all women will battle cellulite at some time in their lives. Cellulite is found on supermodels, dancers, movie starlets and athletes. Even famous talk show host and international supermodel Tyra Banks admitted to having cellulite on her butt for years. The reason you never saw the distinctive "orange peel" skin on Tyra's bum was due airbrushed photos.

But unlike Ms. Banks, most women are not paid to "strut their stuff" down a catwalk for fame and fortune. Many ordinary cellulite suffers instead spend hours covering up this annoying skin condition.

Most women would give anything to remove their cellulite forever. But they don't want use harsh chemicals or have expensive surgical treatments. This article will go over some the best natural ways to remove cellulite.

But before you can fix a problem, you always need to know what caused it...

Causes of Cellulite

Cellulite is a layer of fatty deposits or pouches just under the skin that are surrounded by tough strands made of collagen tissue. These micro pouches can become overstuffed and then swell up towards the surface of the skin. This is what causes the trademark, dimples or "cottage cheese" ripples.

Another factor in cellulite development is as the body ages; those connective strands lose their elasticity and begin to shorten. This pulls the skin even tighter around the stuffed cellulite layer. Cellulite is a hereditary skin condition and not a sign of being overweight, since over 80% of all women can have some form of cellulite.

Remove Cellulite Naturally

Exercise More - It's true even athletes have cellulite. But the good news it they have less of it and they have the "good" kind. The "good" of cellulite can only be seen if you pinch the skin between the fingers. It is relatively "invisible" when you are seen standing up or lying down. All those toned and tight muscles keep cellulite levels low and the skin smooth looking.

Drink More Water - By itself water really won't help much. But in combination with all the other steps in this article, it can help you flush out wastes and toxins that may be trapped in your system. Remember water is a natural diuretic.

Eat a Cellulite Diet - Focus on fresh citrus fruits (Vitamin C), veggies and whole grain fibers. A natural foods diet not only reduces overall body fat (and removes cellulite, too) but also helps maintain the largest organ in the body, your skin.

Cellulite Massage - Deep penetrating massages has been used for centuries to loosen stiff tissues and break down or remove cellulite deposits. While there is no permanent cure for cellulite, massages can reduce problem areas or prevent cellulite from forming.

Use a Natural Cellulite Cream - Try rubbing a quality cream into your cellulite deposits. A good cream should be composed of natural ingredients like caffeine (to reduce fluid retention in the cells), green tea (to detoxify), brown algae (to increase fat burning) and Retinol A (Vitamin A - to soften connective tissues). One cream that has all these elements and more is Revitol Cellulite Solution. Revitol are creating are huge following for their cellulite cream for 1 simple reason. Their cream simply works and that's what people want. Backed by a great customer service team and more than competitive prices it's no wonder why they will be the leader in cellulite creams very soon.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Dry Skin Therapy - A Simple Guide

There is little wonder, with the ever increasing chemical hazards that we come up against daily that we are all seeking dry skin therapy to correct our dry skin problems. We all like to look youthful, so this article is going to talk about some effective dry skin remedies to help keep your skin young and supple.

It is frustrating when you have dry,stinging, scaly, itchy skin and even though you are applying cream a couple of times daily the problem still persists and in some cases, it gets worse. Often this can be because of the dry skin cream you are using. Although you may have bought an expensive cream, it can often contain lots of chemical fillers that cause your skin to become dependent and dry out more.

It is good to be aware of what ingredients your product contains so that you can avoid those that are harmful to your skin. Avoid parabens, mineral oils, fragrances, alcohols and any additive that is not plant based.

Dry skin therapy should begin on the inside. Drink plenty of filtered water, at least eight glasses so that your skin is hydrated. Next, add some fatty acids to your diet such as olive oil, oily fish, fish oil, nuts, avocado and of course lots of fruit and vegetables. This is to nourish your body from the inside.

These days we are fortunate enough to have the technology and scientific research to provide us with the knowledge to seek out the most effective ingredients that act in the quickest possible time. One of the scientifically proven ingredients that is extremely effective in dry skin remedies is Jajoba Oil.

Jojoba oil is extracted from the seeds of the Jojoba shrub which originates from California and Mexico. Jajoba oil is very much like our skins natural sebum (Sebum is the fatty substance from the sebaceous glands in the skin).It contains antioxidants to combat free radicals that if not eradicated will cause damage to the skin cells.

What is so special about it?

#1 Jojoba oil is effective whether your skin is dry or oily. It moisturizes if your skin is dry but if your skin happens to be oily, it will reduce the amount of oil your skin produces, therefore it balances your skin.

#2 It forms a non greasy protective barrier to prevent loss of moisture from your skin and is also easily absorbed by the skin cells to soften your skin. Jajoba oil will not block the skin pores.

#3 Jajoba oil will soften and moisturize your skin. It helps reduce wrinkles, stretch marks and scarring. It is also beneficial for skin disorders such as acne and psoriasis.

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The Real Night Cream Reviews You Should Look For

Night creams, day creams, lotions, moisturizers, anti wrinkle creams and any other kind of skin product that you want to buy should have been proven to be safe and effective before you use it. There are many skin care products that contain hard chemicals that are not good for the skin and can actually hurt more than help.

Some skin care creams claim to regenerate your skin cells and remove wrinkles fast, but if they use synthetic ingredients the results might not last for long time. In fact in many cases although those creams might work for a while, once you stop using them your skin will return to its previous condition or even worst.

So the first thing that you should look for in a night cream is that it should be made with natural or organic ingredients that are safe to use on any type of skin.

Night cream Reviews

If you want to find reviews for night creams or day creams you can do a search on for the product name plus the word "review" and you might find some, you can also search for skin care forums and ask for a review of a product that you are interested in.

Look also for testimonial on the official product page to read what other customers have to say about it. However be aware that just reading reviews can be a little tricky and not the best way to make your decision.

The problem is that some skin creams even thought contain chemicals they work for a short while, thus customers might be fascinated with their results, but after a few months of use, your skin might get hurt and show more wrinkles if you stop to use the product.

Consult your dermatologist to get professional advice and recommendations on what is best for your skin. But natural skin creams or night cream are always more effective and safe for your skin, they do not cause secondary effects and will not dry or irritate your skin.

Avocado extract, Manuka Honey and Special Emollients are great natural ingredients that combined with de-aging ingredients like CynergyTK, Coenzyme Q10 and Wakame produce excellent results for your skin appearance.


Choosing a Night Cream For Oily Skin

Most people just use any kind of cosmetics and creams on their skin without giving a second though about what ingredients do they contain and if they are safe to use. The problem is that you might be hurting your skin more than helping if you are using chemicals in it.

To have a beautiful skin you need to follow a daily skin care routine clean, tone and moisture your skin, but you will need the help of a good day cream and a night cream. However not everyone have the same type of skin there are people with dry skin, with oily skin, with a combination and normal skin.

It is very common for people to have dry or oily skin and this is why you might be looking for a night cream for oily skin. If you do your research on various skin creams on the market, many say that they are just for oily skin and others for dry skin, but the fact is that a natural night cream should be good for any kind of skin.

As long as your cream does not contain synthetic ingredients or chemicals is good, if you have oily skin and you apply in your skin a cream with harsh substances like petrolatum, parabens and alcohols you can cause irritation, inflammation and other problems that you should avoid.

There are some powerful anti aging night creams that will work in your skin during the night thus producing a more healthier skin some of the ingredients that a natural night might contain are: avocado extracts, manuka honey, special emollients.

Vitamins are very important to include in a cream because they contain anti oxidants that will protect your skin from toxins and oxidation. A Restorative night cream should target the 3 most common causes of aging which are loss of collagen, loss of elastin and low hyaluronic acid.


5 Ways to Combat Dryness With an Effective Dry Skin Lotion

Are you suffering from the dryness of skin? Does your skin look like a crippled wrapping sheet when you come back home from work? Are you worried about the wrinkles that are appearing on your face because of the excess dryness you bear? Then all you need to do is to find an efficient Dry Skin Lotion which can combat dryness in 5 different ways.

Next time you walk out to buy your skin product, care enough to look for the ingredients that are added in it. But before that, you need to know which ingredients are helpful for your skin and which are not, only then will you be able to pick the right solution for your problem.

First, an effective Dry Skin Lotion will always contain natural extracts and herbal oils because only they can rejuvenate and repair the skin without causing any damage to it. It will contain Vitamin A and E in active form in the product. Vitamin A strengthens and repairs the skin while Vitamin. E is an antioxidant that can help prevent free radical damage to the skin. It heals the skin which is suffering from damage from the sun and can combat dryness.

Secondly, one ingredient that should essentially be present in a good Dry Skin Lotion is Nano-Lipobelle Coenzyme Q10. It is proven effective in protecting the skin from UVA and UVB rays of the sun. It penetrates the 7 layers of skin to reduce wrinkles and provide antioxidants to all layers of the skin.

Phytessence Wakame is another natural ingredient which is obtained from Japan. It is found in algae and is a very effective anti-oxidant. Wakame is extremely moisturizing. It has the ability to heal aggravated and extremely dry skin, and is an essential element of truly effective Dry Skin Lotion.

Thirdly, always remember that the key is to read the back of the product-packaging and finding out if it contains obvious artificial chemicals, such as alcohol or fragrances. Alcohols, though promoted as moisturizers, actually dry the skin and fragrances which can cause allergies and burning to the skin may also lead to severe skin disorders.

Forth, watch out for mineral oil's and petroleum's presence in the product that you are about to use because even though it is advertised as an effective moisturizer, it leads to pimples and rashes if used for a longer time span.

Fifth and foremost, if you have an opportunity to choose, always prefer Dry Skin Lotions instead of creams, prefer ones with natural extracts in them because they are not only better, they are also safe for the skin. Even if you have to pay a little extra, choose it because skin is still your best preference between money and skin health.

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