Herbal Skin Care - The Benefits of Using True Herbal Skin Care and Not "Natural" Synthetic Products
Herbal skin care - the benefits of using true herbal skin care and not "natural" synthetic products
Don't you just hate it when the big pharmaceutical corporations loudly insist that their chemical products are safe in skin care creams?
Even when they must know natural ingredients are safer, softer and superior!
It happens all the time, of course. And herbal skin care products are an excellent example.
Herbal treatment for the skin is ancient and effective. Egyptian elites 2000 years before Christ were successfully using sophisticated herbal skin care to maintain stunning, youthful complexions in the harsh heat of the Nile valley. You can clearly see this in hundreds of tomb painting, preserved in the dry desert.
Yet, in modern times, the chemical industry scorns the wealth of information freely given away by herbal doctors and constantly puts out disinformation about the effectiveness of herbal products and disingenuously proclaims the ingredients in their pharmaceuticals are better, more targeted and (even) environmentally friendly. Plus they warn that herbal skin care ingredients can clash in your body's systems with legitimate, tested and safe synthetic medicines.
This is nonsense, of course. They should be warning us against their ingredients! And let me show you why.
Just take three groups of ingredients found in most synthetic skin care products. It doesn't take much investigation to find they are toxic and harmfully.
Sulphates such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate are commonly found as cleansers in many shampoos and shower gels. They're cheap and strong. But they can irritate the skin. And Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is linked to cancer. They contain 1.4 dioxane, which is a known toxin and carcinogen that is easily absorbed through the skin. Members of the Ethoxylates, they are unstable and break down in direct sunlight, forming the skin-damaging free radicals.
Chemical preservatives like formaldehyde, methylisothiazolinones and DMDM hydantonin are put into many synthetic skin care creams, even though it's better to use natural alternatives such as Vitamin E, grapefruit seed extract, honey and sandalwood essential oil. True, these natural compounds last a shorter time than most chemical preservatives, but they adequately preserve herbal skin care products and give you the benefit of their own nourishing qualities.
Propylene Glycol (PG) & Butylene Glycol are petroleum plastics widely used in car anti-freeze and skin care, despite the fact that they can penetrate your skin and weaken protein and cell structures. PG is so strong it dissolves stainless steel in 48 hours and can only be kept in plastic containers. The EPA insists it only be handled wearing protective gloves, clothing and goggles. But some skin care manufacturers use concentrations of up to 20 percent of it.
I could make a very long list of widely used, dangerous chemicals, but I think you can see that there is a trend here. It's this. The big chemical companies don't mind putting dangerous toxic chemicals into your skin care products.
And the reason is obvious -- these are thick-skinned businesses (no pun intended) that exist simply to return profits to shareholders. Synthetic chemicals are cheaper than herbal ingredients. So the corporations chose to ride out any litigation from their small-fry customers, and keep producing synthetic skin care at the lowest possible price. Lower than good herbal skin care creams and lotions.
Alarmingly, there is no legal definition of "natural". So a corporation can make a 100 percent synthetic skin care product and yet call it "natural". To someone who doesn't know, it may seem like it is a herbal skin care item.
Thankfully most of their ingredients have a molecular structure which makes it impossible for them to penetrate your skin, even when you pat on and rub in the creams and lotions. But these chemicals still sit on the surface of your face and arms, where they clog the entrances to your pores and trigger allergies and health problems. (Well, "problems" is a little mild, as some chemicals in skin care products, such as Sodium Laural sulfate has been shown to be fatal.)
We've got to be very, very careful if we choose to use synthetic skin care products rather than herbal skin care.
Actually, in conclusion, I would always recommend herbal treatment for the skin of anyone who asks me. There are excellent herbal skin care companies out there. They are usually small and efficient, and they can make healthy products at a reasonable price even though they are forced to compete with the giant pharmaceutical corporations which have the advantage of dirt cheap ingredients and economies of scale. I've written more about them at my web site, elegant-skincare.com and I invite you to visit and learn more about this unhappy situation.
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