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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Causes Eye Wrinkles? 3 Natural Skincare Ingredients to Rid Skin Wrinkles For You

What causes eye wrinkles should be known to you first so you can find the best possible way to either eliminate the problem or stop it from progressing. If nothing is done to wrinkles, more will populate the face as you advance in years. But your skincare treatment need not break the bank. Knowing the causes and the possible solutions will help you big time.

The major cause of eye wrinkles is because of the loss of collagen and elastin in the skin around the eyes. This skin is thinner than the skin found in the rest of your body, therefore it is far more delicate. A little tug and pull can make it lose its natural elasticity.

Habitually rubbing your eyes causes this delicate skin to loosen up and sag, thereby resulting to wrinkles and fine lines. Too much squinting which is a habit for those who are frequently outdoors can also cause crow's feet to appear at the sides of the eyes.

Sun-loving people who forget to slap on some moisturizer are also more susceptible to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes. Studies even show that people who love outdoors show signs of skin aging earlier than those who prefer the comforts of the indoors.

The UV rays of the sun attack the skin. Not only does it cause pigmentation but it also prunes your skin up and hampers its production of collagen and elastin. Other environmental factors such as harmful free radicals can also speed up skin aging along with stress and poor diet.

To prevent more wrinkles from developing and to get rid of the ones populating your face, it is best to answer the core problems. It is easy enough to understand. Ditch the bad habits, slap on sunscreen moisturizers and live a healthy lifestyle and you will be astounded with the difference.

In addition to that, find a moisturizer with the most natural skin care ingredients. I'll tell you a secret you should keep, the following are 3 potent natural ingredients that can show a load of difference:

Phytessence Wakame
I have been envying the skin of Japanese people myself and wondering how they are able to pull off younger-looking skin for a long time. One of the secrets to that is actually Phytessence Wakame, a Japanese kelp that is used as an ingredient in their dishes.

Phytessence Wakame prevents hyaluronidase from attacking and breaking down hyaluronic acid, an acid that actually promotes a younger-looking dermis.

It has been mentioned earlier that wrinkles appear because of the loss of collagen and elastin. Therefore, rejuvenate your skin and help improve its production of collagen and elastin through the help of an ingredient called CynergyTK. It improves the youthful functions of your skin so that it can regrow long-lost collagen and elastin in your body.

Nano Lipobelle HEQ10
Another culprit to skin aging is harmful free radicals. Get rid of harmful free radicals through the use of antioxidants so the other ingredients will work effortlessly. Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is one of the most potent antioxidants due to its immersing prowess. It can penetrate better into your skin compared to other antioxidants.

Now that you know what causes eye wrinkles and how you can get rid and prevent them, it is time to take a 180 degrees turn for the better.

And to help you get clearer and younger looking skin, I would like to share with you one anti aging skin care range of products that I discovered. They contain more active ingredients than any other cream on the market. These ingredients are effective moisturizers, because they penetrate deeply to "nourish" the skin. So, they never feel greasy.

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How to Choose the Best Cream For Wrinkles Around Eyes

I bet you are having trouble finding the best cream for wrinkles around eyes. I don't blame you. With the myriad of products being advertised today, it is hard to segregate the ones that really work and the ones that don't.

Here is the deal. When choosing the best cream for wrinkles around eyes, you have to mix a bit of researching and ponder on what is really essential for you. Here is a winning guide you can use to help you out:

1. Know more about the ingredients used
The ingredients are actually the biggest clues as to how potent the product really is even without trying it first. Look for natural ingredients like Phytessence Wakame and Manuka Honey.

Phytessence Wakame is actually a sea kelp found in Japan and has been used by Japanese people since time immemorial. This is incorporated commonly in their local dishes such as sushi. What it does is it protects our hyaluronic acid, an acid that promotes a younger-looking you. Couple this with the healing and hydrating efficacy of Manuka Honey and you can find a very effective product.

2. Do some research on the latest natural ingredients
Do not just be stuck with Retinol. There has been a major advancement in Retinol lately but is that really the best you have to offer yourself? Here is a good news-there are new ingredients developed by reputable companies today that are also natural.

Eyeliss is a good example. This ingredient is manufactured from natural peptides. It is a kind of protein that has been proven beneficial to the skin. Eyeliss can particularly help revive the process of the skin around the eyes and be able to reproduce collagen and elastin again, two components that can bring back the natural elasticity of the dermis.

CynergyTK is another ingredient that can also bring back collagen and elastin. It does not supply collagen and elastin synthetically, as is the case for most products today, but it sees to it that your skin is doing all the producing of these two major skin components.

3. Find out if it is tried and tested
Has it undergone reliable and accurate clinical trials? Again you might want to do a bit of research to be privy to this information. Eyeliss for instance has undergone clinical studies and have been proven to reduce eye wrinkles in about 4 to 8 weeks.

4. It Should Be Free From Additives and Parabens
The last thing you need in your eye wrinkle creams is additives. You will find that most products sold today contain additives and parabens. They do not contribute to the potency of the cream but it is possible that they can worsen your condition. Some parabens are found to be a bit detrimental to skin health. If you are inclining on the more natural products, parabens and additives are either eliminated or significantly reduced. This should bring out the fullest potency of the natural product you are using.

You should be able to pluck out the best cream for wrinkles around eyes from its camouflaging cocoon in the beauty industry if you consider the guiding pointers mentioned above.

And to help you get clearer and younger looking skin, I would like to share with you one anti aging skin care range of products that I discovered. They contain more active ingredients than any other cream on the market. These ingredients are effective moisturizers, because they penetrate deeply to "nourish" the skin. So, they never feel greasy.

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What is the Best Anti Aging Eye Creams to Rid Eye Skin Wrinkles

If we collect all the anti aging eye creams sold today, it will pile up to a mountain. That is how many your choices are and how much work needs to be done in trying to decipher which of those products can really work for you.

Anti aging eye creams have been labeled with superlatives meant to entice you on purchasing them on sight. If you really want the absolute truth, check the ingredients and you will find the answer you are looking for. The ingredients incorporated will speak well about how much the manufacturing company has thought about the benefits their products will give to their users.

Find out first if it contains additives and parabens. We are led to believe that additives and parabens are essential to prolong the shelf life of the creams we are using. While this is true, these additives are totally unnecessary. In fact, they may hamper the potency of the core active ingredients and may even cause a few complications.

Some people experience adverse reactions to specific parabens while there are cases that report parabens as the culprit in instigating skin cancer. So to prevent all these problems from surfacing, stick to an anti aging product that only contains natural and parabens-free ingredients.

What natural ingredients should you look for anyway? Look for the ones that can really solve the causes of wrinkles.

Your product should contain antioxidants as one of the major causes of wrinkles is harmful free radicals. They can speed up skin aging and will cause premature eye wrinkles to manifest.

Vitamin E is a good antioxidant but if you want something better, go for Nano Lipobelle HEQ10. This antioxidant is composed of smaller molecular structure so it can penetrate deeper into your dermis. It eradicates more harmful free radicals than other types of antioxidants.

Collagen and Elastin Stimulator
As we get older, our skin loses its ability to produce collagen and elastin. Most of the products we see today supply us only with synthetic collagen and elastin. Why not go for an ingredient like CynergyTK that will facilitate the healthy regrowth of elastin and collagen. It improves your dermis' functions so collagen and elastin can grow again effortlessly.

Hydrating Moisturizer
Keep your skin properly hydrated by applying a product with natural moisturizing ingredients. One good ingredient to look for is Manuka Honey. We all know that Honey moisturizes like no other. But Manuka Honey contains more vitamins and minerals that will not only moisturizer it but protect it from other environmental factors as well. In addition to that, it can boost its immunity functions.

Jojoba oil, avocado oil and grape seed extracts also helps to rejuvenate the skin and improve its health while keeping wrinkles at bay. These are good for the skin under your eyes as they are mild enough not to cause burning sensations.

Sift through your choices of anti aging eye creams carefully. Go for natural ones instead and you can really see the effects you are looking for.

And to help you get clearer and younger looking skin, I would like to share with you one anti aging skin care range of products that I discovered. They contain more active ingredients than any other cream on the market. These ingredients are effective moisturizers, because they penetrate deeply to "nourish" the skin. So, they never feel greasy.

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How to Cure Eczema Naturally Fast

Eczema is a skin problem that people of every age face, up to 15 million people! There are different types such as discoid, seborrhoeic, asteatotic and popolyx to name a few. And there are various things that can trigger Eczema outbreaks such as foods, allergens, stress and immune system imbalances. If you suffer from this disease, you know that you do not really care as much about what kind you have or what it comes from, but only about how you can get rid of it! Here are quite a few ideas on how to combat it with these natural Eczema remedies.

1. Drink lots of water. As you increase your intake of H2O, your skin will be increasingly moisturized.
2. Reduce or eliminate caffeine from your diet. Getting rid of coffee, sodas and chocolates can help reduce Eczema symptoms.
3. Cut back on your alcohol intake. Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration and will contribute to your dry skin problem.
4. Avoid scratching. When you rub or scratch the affected area, it can make it worse or even cause infection.
5. Apply oil. Using Jo Joba Oil on affected areas will soften and moisturize your skin.
6. Moisturize. Daily moisturizing will help decrease the dry, flaky skin that comes with Eczema.
7. Lukewarm baths. Hot water dries out skin, so bathe in lukewarm water.
8. Avoid skin aggravating. Synthetic fabrics can irritate your skin, so try to stick with wearing natural fabrics like cotton.
9. Probiotics. Add probiotics to your diet to help in digestion and cleansing your body.
10. Eat healthy. Consume lots of fruits and vegetables and try to cut down on the intake of eggs, meat, milk and soy.
11. Drastically reduce saturated fats. Take measures to really cut back on these fats and include healthy ones that include omega-3 instead. Salmon is a great choice to get this oil.
12. Journal. Keep a daily food/lifestyle journal to see what might be triggering your Eczema outbreaks.

Most people who suffer from this skin condition have already tried normal treatments like creams, steroids, and over the counter medication. Most of the time, these only work temporarily and do not address the root cause. With the above natural eczema remedies, you will begin to see changes in your skin and some of the causes addressed.

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