Best Oily Skincare Products and Home Remedies
Oily skin needs to be taken care of differently from dry skin and there are several good oily skincare products easily available in the market. Many top brands also have websites offering these products along with free shipping and other discount offers. Here are some products and home maintenance ideas that you will surely like to use for looking after oily skin.
Rinse-off cleansing foam: This is has a gentle effect on the skin and the cream turns into rich foam when applied to damp skin. When you wash the foam off, the skin appears much more smooth and soft with all the excessive oil gone. A rinse-off cleansing foam can be used twice a day for controlling oil effectively.
Cleanser - A fragrant cleanser, often recommended by your dermatologist, is must for controlling extra oily skin. Many dermatologists like to suggest a cleanser with Cetaphil that helps clean oily skin but you can make cleansers at home too if you want to use a totally natural cleanser.
Spirit spray toner - These are highly recommended for working women who like to carry a spray bottle of the toner in their purse for mid-day freshening up. This toner helps check extra oil secretion and peps up your mood at work too. Some top brands also give you complexion refining toners and you can try them to smooth out blemishes, marks etc too.
Moisturizer - Even though excess oil is already a problem, moisturizing cannot be ignored. Women with oil skin should use an astringent before a moisturizer or use lotion-based moisturizers rather than cream-based ones.
People with oily skin should also dab their face with some diluted apple cider vinegar after a shower to maintain the skin's correct pH balance. People with oily skin should also use cleansing grains to keep the pores open and prevent breakout of acne etc.
A home-made cleansing grain remedy can be prepared with one cup rolled oats, half cup flaked almonds, one tablespoon dried lavender, one tablespoon dried rosemary and half a cup of rice flour. Finely grind the oats, almonds, lavender and rosemary. Mix it with the rice flour and store the mixture in an airtight glass jar. When you need to use this cleanser, take one tablespoon of the mixture and mix it with water. Massage it into your face and rinse it off after some time. If some mixture is left do not place it back in the jar.
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