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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Best Oily Skincare Products and Home Remedies

Oily skin needs to be taken care of differently from dry skin and there are several good oily skincare products easily available in the market. Many top brands also have websites offering these products along with free shipping and other discount offers. Here are some products and home maintenance ideas that you will surely like to use for looking after oily skin.

Rinse-off cleansing foam: This is has a gentle effect on the skin and the cream turns into rich foam when applied to damp skin. When you wash the foam off, the skin appears much more smooth and soft with all the excessive oil gone. A rinse-off cleansing foam can be used twice a day for controlling oil effectively.

Cleanser - A fragrant cleanser, often recommended by your dermatologist, is must for controlling extra oily skin. Many dermatologists like to suggest a cleanser with Cetaphil that helps clean oily skin but you can make cleansers at home too if you want to use a totally natural cleanser.

Spirit spray toner - These are highly recommended for working women who like to carry a spray bottle of the toner in their purse for mid-day freshening up. This toner helps check extra oil secretion and peps up your mood at work too. Some top brands also give you complexion refining toners and you can try them to smooth out blemishes, marks etc too.

Moisturizer - Even though excess oil is already a problem, moisturizing cannot be ignored. Women with oil skin should use an astringent before a moisturizer or use lotion-based moisturizers rather than cream-based ones.

People with oily skin should also dab their face with some diluted apple cider vinegar after a shower to maintain the skin's correct pH balance. People with oily skin should also use cleansing grains to keep the pores open and prevent breakout of acne etc.

A home-made cleansing grain remedy can be prepared with one cup rolled oats, half cup flaked almonds, one tablespoon dried lavender, one tablespoon dried rosemary and half a cup of rice flour. Finely grind the oats, almonds, lavender and rosemary. Mix it with the rice flour and store the mixture in an airtight glass jar. When you need to use this cleanser, take one tablespoon of the mixture and mix it with water. Massage it into your face and rinse it off after some time. If some mixture is left do not place it back in the jar.

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What is the Best Skincare Routine For Women to Follow

The best skincare routine that women of all ages should follow is one that includes cleansing, toning and moisturizing. There are several natural products available on the Internet and at your local store for this routine but you can also check out your kitchen for great home remedy solutions.

For a nourishing face mask, take one avocado, two spoons of honey and enough fine oatmeal. Mash the ingredients together and make a paste. Massage the paste into your face and throat but avoid the eye area and lips. Leave this face mask to dry for ten minutes and then wash off with warm water.

If you are looking for mild astringent that will function as a refreshing skin toner, take 200 ml of water and bring it to boil over three teaspoons of green tea leaves. Steep the mixture for about 10 minutes and strain it. Store the liquid in the fridge in a plastic pump-spray bottle and use as required on a daily basis.

If you are in a hurry and your skin shows signs of aging then smooth two tablespoons of mayonnaise over your face. You must wash your face and clean it properly before doing this. Avoid the eye and lip areas and let the mayonnaise settle down for 10 minutes. Later, rinse your face and pat dry it. The vegetable oils and egg protein in the mayonnaise make it ideal for treating older skin.

To help remove dull and dead skin cells and for a quick revitalizing session for your face, take six ripe hulled strawberries. Mash them and mix with fine oatmeal or cornflour to make a paste for your face. Use it as a face mask for 15 minutes and wash it off with warm water. You will love the effect and like to use this mask on a daily basis.

Taking out for facial steam session every week is very good for nourishing your skin. The right way to take steam is to place a towel over your head and keep your face at least 25 cm from the bowl. You should take steam for at least five minutes before splashing your face with cool water. A good mixture to use for taking steam can be prepared with three cups of water and an some drops of essential oil. You can add peppermint to feel extra fresh. If your skin shines in patches because of the oil try dabbing your face with strained lemon juice and witch hazel from 50:50 ratio mixture.

You can even prepare a minty toner with one tablespoon dried peppermint, half cup witch hazel, half cup rose water and one tablespoon vegetable glycerin. Let the mixture sit in a jar for one week but shake it at least once or twice daily. Strain the mixture after a week and apply with a cotton wool ball as required.

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Secret Weapon of Celebrities Revealed For Erasing Deep Eye Wrinkles

One of the first ways age begins showing up your face is the onset of deep eye wrinkles. When anyone looks at you, your face is the first thing they notice. People look right at one another when they speak so there's no avoiding it.

Every time you smile the skin in that area crinkles up more than you can imagine. Look in a mirror and smile in the most natural way possible, as if you were out among people. You will get the full effect of how you really look. You may not like what you see. In fact you may be shocked.

Before you know it you start getting bags and dark circles unless you're taking very, very good care of yourself.. They say most people can only get away with burning the candles at both ends until they're about thirty. After that, your history really starts writing itself all over your face.

The damage you sustain may come from smoking, drinking, too much partying, unprotected sun exposure, stress, you name it. Abuse your body and you can pretty much count on getting deep eye wrinkles and bags and dark circles.

A lot of us will take the lazy way out and run to the Plastic Surgeon to get our eyes lifted. That isn't a procedure that's covered by health insurance and it's quite costly. But besides the expense, there's always the possibility that something could go wrong during surgery. You could end up regretting you ever went down that path.

Now there's a much easier way to deal with deep eye wrinkles. After all, who doesn't want to get rid of them? They can be devastating to your self esteem. There are two fantastic ingredients that are now being put into eye creams and gels. The names are Eyeliss and Haloxyl. These are scientific breakthroughs that Europeans have been enjoying with great success.

They are very expensive and have been the secret weapon of the rich and famous until now. Thankfully they are finally affordable to the masses. You need only find a cream or gel that contains these magical ingredients and you'll be able to forget about those telltale signs of aging and deep eye wrinkles once and for all.

The names of these two ingredients are Eyeliss and Haloxyl. Make sure these are listed on the jar or tube you purchase and make sure they are chemical free. Other age fighting pure ingredients should be in there too, but Eyeliss and Haloxyl are the main ones. Besides Eyeliss and Haloxyl, the cream or gel you buy should contain chemical free CynergyTK, Homeo Age, Nano-Lipobelle, Babassu, natural vitamin E and active manuka honey.

These strange names may sound like chemicals but they're not at all. They are natural anti aging ingredients of the finest caliber. They too help attack deep eye wrinkles with their exceptional antioxidant power. All these mixed into one gel make up the most formidable age fighter around.

But remember to do your every day important health rituals along with using these products. Vow to get more sleep. That alone does wonders for dark circles. Just look at a baby who wakes up from a nap looking radiant and glowing. You will get the same benefits.

Giving up smoking and drinking definitely helps, though it's nothing new. This is just a long standing reminder to maintain a healthy diet and stay away from empty calories. That will serve you well in helping you have youthful, smooth skin. Please visit my website for more anti aging tips.

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Fraxel Laser Stretch Marks Treatment - Side Effects & Benefits of Laser Therapy Revealed!

The doctors term stretch marks as striae. These are red & purple colored fine lines that are formed when the skin is stretched due to sudden weight gain. Women have striae owing to pregnancy, puberty, hormonal changes, etc. Among men, the usual reasons for these wrinkles are excessive workouts at the gym and over use of the steroids. The medical researchers have now devised a new technology to cure this problem - Fraxel. Let us review the Fraxel Laser Strech Marks technology.

How does Fraxel Work?

Fraxel is a term used for fractional laser resurfacing. In order to understand the working of this technology we first need to understand how the stretch marks are formed. Our skin has three layers. The top layer is known as epidermis and the middle layer is dermis. The middle layer forms the shape of our body and expands with the body size. It has a certain limit of elasticity that allows it to expand. When dermis is stretched more than its elasticity, the collagen (a protein that is formed naturally in the body in order to repair the skin tissues) gets destroyed and parallel reddish lines can be seen on the epidermis.

In the Fraxel Laser treatment the affected area is cleansed and then a local anesthesia is applied over it. Now a hand piece is rubbed over the marks. It flashes rays even thinner than the human hair on the middle layer of the skin that is the dermis. It creates microscopic wounds that stimulate the skin to heal. This way the lost collagen gets restored. One sitting costs $ 600 and takes 20 to 25 minutes. Usually the doctors recommend 4 to 6 sittings, but this depends on your body and the marks that you have. The results are visible in 2 to 6 months.

Is this treatment safe?

Fraxel is approved by the FDA for curing wrinkles and age spots. The clearing is in process for the stretch marks. However, it has yielded good results in almost 75% cases. It is safe provided one takes care of all the procedures prescribed by the therapist. Some of the important ones are given here:

· One has to apply some body lotions and ointments during this treatment.

· You must cover the affected area while you are out in the sun. Direct sunlight on the patch can be hazardous sometimes. Make sure to use sunscreen lotions as well.

· You must not have food that is rich in Vitamin A. You must quit it at least 10 days before starting Fraxel.

Does it have any side effects?

It has some side effects but they are not permanent. They are gone within 2 to 3 days of the sitting. Some of the common side effects are listed here:

· Itchiness

· Dryness

· Swelling

· Redness

· Pain

We can not deny the fact that Fraxel is an expensive and tedious procedure. Before opting for this last resort, one should try using the natural stretch mark removing creams and lotions. Captiva is one of the most effective anti-stretch mark creams that promise to diminish these scars within 2-3 months. It is made up of all the conventional and tested ingredients that are known to cure this issue for years. The list includes aloe vera, shea butter, emblica fruit extract, licorice extract, peptides, etc. This ointment contains tremendous moisturizing and healing properties. Captiva also claims to prevent other skin complications such as age spots, hyper pigmentation and birthmarks.

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