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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Eczema in Infants - How to Treat it Naturally

When my daughter first had scaly, dry red patches of skin on her elbows and the back of her legs, I didn't think too much of it. I mean, most kids get dry skin. It's something that happens. It wasn't until I saw her rubbing her body up against the floor, itching uncontrollably, that I really took notice of the issue and took her into the doctor to find out what was wrong. The diagnosis? Eczema.

Eczema in infants is common. In fact, it is the number one skin disorder in the United States. It's been said that nine out of every ten children are diagnosed with eczema before they reach the age of 6, and two-thirds of them are diagnosed by the time they are 3 months old! This isn't just a small issue here - We're talking about thousands of children that suffer from this painful skin disorder.

After her diagnosis, we tried cream after cream. It seemed like it kept getting stronger each time we went back to the doctor. While the creams would reliever her symptoms temporarily, it never fixed the issue, and the eczema would continue to flare up time and time again.

It was horrible, and I hated seeing her suffer through it. She couldn't bathe. Her clothing had to be handled gently and washed with special detergent that was free and clear of dyes and fragrances. It seemed like no matter what we did, my poor little girl was constantly plagued with the dry, red itchy skin patches. It was then when I did some research and found a solution.

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Eczema Relief - Tips on How You Can Stop the Itch

Eczema is one of the most common skin diseases in the United States. If you have suffered from eczema, you know how painful it can be. Not only that, but sometimes the itching associated with it can get so bad to the point that you scratch uncontrollably, breaking open the skin and causing it to bleed. It's not something that is fun to deal with.

If you're like most eczema sufferers, you've probably tried everything to get relief. While creams and other medicines do work, they only do so temporarily. What does that leave you with? Recurring flare ups of your eczema, your wallet being drained from the high priced prescription creams, and constant reapplying of the medication you were prescribed. It becomes irritating and time consuming in the long run.

So, what can you do to relieve your itch? Have you ever considered trying alternative ways of treating your eczema? You can get eczema relief from things other than your typical creams and ointments that you've been using. And they are much cheaper alternatives as well. It's a win-win situation.

What types of alternatives are there? One great way of helping relieve your eczema irritation is to take gauze and soak it in warm water that has been mixed with epsom salts. Let them soak for a few minutes, and then wrap the gauze around your infected areas tightly and let it stay soaking on your skin for about 20-30 minutes. While it may seem like a simple, quick solution, the results are absolutely fantastic!

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