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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Anti Aging Wrinkle Cream - How to Stop Aging

Are you looking for an effective anti aging wrinkle cream? There is no avoiding it as we age our skin begins to look worse and worse as the wrinkles set in and skin begins to sag but what can you do to stop this?

Well I used to have wrinkled skin myself until I found out the truth and it is a real shame that people are not told the whole truth about anti aging products and how to achieve wrinkle free skin even as we age. Some people choose Botox as their answer to anti wrinkles how ever not everyone has the money to back up this treatment as it can cost upwards of $10,000 per treatment which when you ask me is ridiculous.

So how can you protect or save your skin from wrinkles?

A good anti aging wrinkle cream is vital but choosing the right one is where people make their biggest mistakes. You have to know what is in your product before you choose it as some products contain chemicals in them that don't even rejuvenate aging skin cells and in fact make your skin appear even more drained.

Choosing a well known brand is not always the best option as they mass produce and therefore the quality of their products can be of reduced standards. One important factor to keep in mind is that anti aging wrinkle creams are a much better option then expensive Botox treatments and they actually take away all the risks involved in those dangerous procedures. If you can find a product that is willing to give away a free trial you can almost be certain that their product will work and that is why they will give you a bottle for free to show the results to yourself.

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Ways to Protect Yourself From the Harmful Rays of the Sun

Sunlight plays an important part in our lives. It provides humans with vitamin D and is also essential for the planet, ecosystems and plants. Lack of vitamin D in our body can cause a lot of problems such as wrinkles, cancer and age spots. On one hand sunlight is really essential. On the other, too much of it can be really dangerous. Women these days love to have tanned skin and they spend hours out in the sun or on beaches to achieve tanned skin. Too much of sunlight is dangerous and it is essential to wear tanning lotion when planning to go out in the sun. Tanning lotions prevent scars and blemishes that can result from excessive exposure to the sun and gives the body perfect tan. However, apart from tanning, there are numerous reasons for going out in the sun. Since the rays of the sun can be really dangerous, there are a number of ways in which they can protect themselves when they have to spend hours outdoors.

The harmful rays have the potential to reflect off various surfaces such as snow, cement and so on. They are even prevalent during cloudy periods. In order to ensure maximum protection, it is important to apply sunscreen every time there is need to go out. In fact people should make a habit of doing this daily so they can be protected throughout the day. Sunscreen should be applied on the hands, legs, face, ears and so on.

These rays also have the potential to cause cataracts and damage the hair. Our lips are also quite delicate and can easily burn when they are not protected. Lips do not look and feel good when they get dry or chapped. Women who often use lipstick should make sure that they are applying lipstick, lip balm or lip gloss which is at least SPF 15.

The rays of the sun also have the potential to damage hair and therefore, people should do something about their hair as well when going out. Ultra violet rays can make the hair look frizzy, dull and dry. It can also result in hair fall and unhealthy hair. To prevent this from happening, it is essential to wear wide brim hats when working outside. Wide brim hats also protect the face and ears as well. People can also wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from the ultra violet rays.

All sun protections do not come in bottles and people should also consider about wearing protective clothing. There are many ways in which people can protect themselves. Together with sunglasses and hats, it is essential to wear long sleeve tops and full length bottoms. People like to wear short clothes in summer and go out, but it can have really damaging effects on their skin. Wearing long clothing and covering the whole body will prevent them from getting diseases like cancer and cataracts. These are some of the ways in which people can protect themselves from the harmful rays of the sun.

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Cold Sores - Are They Contagious?

It seems that just about everyone is running around coughing and sneezing at the moment. But when a friend of mine pointed to a reddish looking spot on his lip, complaining that it was very painful and wondering what it was, I did some research. Turns out it was a cold sore sometimes known as a fever blister. Now there is a huge body of misconception and rumors regarding the nature and occurrence of fever blisters and cold sores.

Especially during the colder times of year, quite a few people suffer from these painful and unsightly outbreaks. Then when they occur, the question on every ones mind is, how did I get them, and what can I do now. The answer to that is not as complicated as some folks make out. A little research, will give you all the information you could possibly require, to put your mind at rest.

1. Although unpleasant and painful, fever blisters and cold sores, are not themselves very dangerous. You don't like suffering from them, or seeing someone you love have an outbreak, but they won't kill you.

2. A widely misunderstood rumor states that cold sores are in fact an outbreak of herpes, and as such everyone is terrified of their severity. Herpes has a notorious reputation, mostly as a dreaded sexually transmitted disease, with very unpleasant side effects.Apart from the stigma attached to having a sexually transmitted disease in the first place, Herpes is also highly contagious. So the appearance of a fever blister, sends shivers of terror down most peoples spine, as they think they are now doomed with Herpes.

3. The good news: Yes it is Herpes, BUT a totally different and much less sinister strand of the dreaded Herpes virus. So calm down, and take time to get all the correct facts about your affliction.

4. The bad news: Nearly everyone that has ever come into contact with another human being has this virus lying dormant inside them. The virus only erupts and causes the fever blister when it encounters suitable conditions to do so. These conditions unfortunately befall us quite frequently, causing us to have to cope with the outbreak.

There are however quite a few things you can do to help your situation. Avoidance of being infected, is probably too late, but no contact with a contagious person, will keep your dormant virus dormant longer and stall an outbreak.

There are also some actions you can take to slow down an imminent outbreak, maybe even prevent it, if you discover the symptoms early enough. Simple things, like watching your physical surroundings, your mental state, eating intelligently and your overall state of health.

When you have the virus erupting on your skin, there are ways to reduce the painful unpleasantness, and accelerate healing. There is of course a whole lot more detail regarding all this. But in a nutshell, although cold sores are a type of herpes virus, and can be very contagious, they are not very dangerous.

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Expert Tips For Choosing the Best Under Eye Cream

Under eye creams are a must if you are over 30. Once you get past 30, you will start experiencing most of the mild symptoms of aging. Dark spots, thin lines, wrinkles will start appearing on your face. The remedy may seem simple for most of us. However, finding the right under eye cream can be daunting task. If it was easy, one wouldn't notice so many individuals still hunting for cosmetic products to meet their demands.

Our daily lifestyle and habits takes a toll on our skin and health. We are still entitled to lead a beautiful life. Dark spots and wrinkles only add to our daily worries, which is why we need to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

The market is filled with loads of eye creams. They are available in various price ranges. However, the best products are priced higher. It's not a compulsion though that all expensive eye creams are effective.

Firstly, you need to consider your needs, in order to select the best under eye cream which will address your problem precisely. Are you experiencing puffy eyes, wrinkles, dark spots? All of these are different issues which can be handled effectively by a single cream. If you are experiencing the problem of puffy eyes as well as wrinkles, you need to select a product will cater to both the problems. Also, there are different products which are being made available for day as well as for night. So, the next step would be to choose between a day and a night cream.

If you have the budget then it is advisable to purchase day as well as night cream as that they can be applied at your convenience at any hour of the day. Its not always possible for us to stick to our routine so a switch of product will help in these cases. This will ensure that we do not skip days for small reasons.

Regardless of the eye cream you select, you should consider the following factors:

- The chosen product should be able to get rid of wrinkles, dark spots and fine lines surrounding your eyes.

- One also needs to add moisture to keep the skin under the eyes smooth and hydrated.

- It should be able to reduce eye bags and puffiness.

- It should tighten the skin, and lift up your skin.

Remember, eye creams should never include any kind of fragrance as the skin surrounding the eyes is very delicate. If you consider all these factors, then you won't fail with your mission.

Not everyone will be happy with the results obtained from under eye cream. Either you might be expecting too much, or that the product itself is ineffective. Try out the free sample if it is available. Many companies these days are offering free samples to prove their point. You can try out the free sample product first, and then proceed with your purchase decision, only if the sample product was effective.

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