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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Which Beauty Skin Care Product is Right For You?

I recently did a search online to find a beauty skin care product for myself and was overwhelmed at the number of pages that was returned. Google showed me over 24 million different websites from Proactiv to Organic to AHA's to Dry/Oily/Normal - arrgh where do you even start?

Going to the beauty department store is no easier either with product after product all claiming that it is the right one for you (and all of the sales assistants are no help either as they are all there to try and sell you something). So what's a girl to do?

Well let's start with trying to narrow down the field a little bit and looking for products that suit not only our skin types but also our lifestyles.

The most basic of beauty skin care routines is told to us over and over again; cleanse, tone and moisturize. But what do these steps really do?

Let's look at cleansers. As the name suggests, these clean the skin of oil, grime, make-up and pollution. There are usually two types of cleansers - foaming and creamy. Either cleanser will do the job so it comes down to which one you prefer using. I like creamy cleansers myself but that's just personal preference, it has nothing to do with my skin type.

The next is toner. Its job is to restore the skin's balance back to normal (not close the pores as some people mistakenly believe). The reason this is important is that when you add soap to your face such as your cleanser it changes the skins pH level so a toner will return it back to its normal pH level immediately so that your moisturizer works correctly.

And finally your moisturizer. Moisturizers would have to be the staple skin care product in any beauty cupboard. You can get day and night moisturizers, specialty products for certain skin types and conditions - the list is almost endless.

Your moisturizer is where you will probably spend the most money too - it's usually the one that is going to give you the most benefits and having you look gorgeous and dewy.

Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to beauty skin care products. There are also masks, exfoliators, serums, eye gels and more. No wonder us women are confused what to buy! So stick to your basic routine and that's really all you need and use other products as an occasional item.

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Useful Tips For Finding the Best Puffy Eye Cream

Now a days, finding the best puffy eye cream without a little help and guidance is tricky, seeing that there's so many products to pick from. Here are some tips you'll find helpful when deciding what the best puffy eye cream for you is.

*Avoid getting one at your local pharmacy or drug store. These places try to help you out by limiting your choices down to just a few. But unfortunately, the products you find on the shelves are not chosen based on quality and effectiveness. Instead, they are there because they sell well, they are made by a popular brand name, or they can make the most profit per unit sold of that product.

*Look for the best puffy eye cream on the Internet. Using the web, you can learn a whole lot more about any skin care product you're thinking of getting. Instead of just reading what is strategically placed on the label, you can learn about the benefits of the ingredients in the product and why there were chosen to be included in it. Plus, you get to pick from just about every single product on the world market (which is a good thing!)

*Make sure a product or the ingredients it contains provides PROOF of it's effectiveness. The best puffy eye cream products will be thoroughly tested before being released to the public, which means there's results that come from this testing. If there's no proof to backup the product's effectiveness, they the company either wants to hide something from you or they just don't know if it works or not.

*Understand why puffy eye bags form in the first place. This is SO IMPORTANT. Knowing what causes these aging signs to form allows you to properly evaluate a product to see if it's really as effective as it claims.

Just so you know, the major causes of puffy eyes are: excess fluid build-up, poor drainage, skin slackening, and a loss of firmness and elasticity in your skin.

*Get an eye treatment product that contains ingredients that address these problems. A puffy eye cream is really only as good as the ingredients it contains. Therefore, if you can figure out which ingredients work best at preventing the causes of puffy eye bags and then find a product that contains these ingredients, you probably will have just found the best puffy eye cream on the market.

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How to Find the Best Firming Face Cream That's Safe and Effective

Without a doubt, the two biggest things to worry about when looking for the best firming face cream is whether or not it's EFFECTIVE and SAFE. Unfortunately, most products are not one or the other. Here's how to make sure the firming face cream you get is BOTH.

When you apply any kind of topical product to your skin, it's just like ingesting it like you would food. The ingredients in both food and skin care products all end up in your bloodstream and carried throughout your body. This means that you should only use skin care products that you could actually eat.

Sadly, most skin products cannot be eaten orally without anything bad happening to you. Especially with cheap and low-quality products, there are numerous kinds of synthetic chemicals, fillers, and toxins added into the formula to help stabilize, preserve, and balance out a product. Some of the substances you should avoid in all skin care products are:

*Mineral oils- a petroleum byproduct that clogs your pores, interfering with your skin's natural ability to eliminate toxins from the body. It also strips the natural oils from your skin and can cause premature aging.
*Parabens- widely used as a preservative to extend the shelf life of skin care products. Oh yeah, and it can cause cancer too.
*Triclosan- an antibacterial agent that's also a main ingredient in weed killers. It's been shown to create stains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics.
*Fragrances- can effect your central nervous system and refer to up to 4000 different ingredients, many of which are toxic and carcinogenic.

It's amazing how some of these products can even be included in any kind of skin product!

The best firming face cream product are made with all-natural and organic ingredients. These are substances that pose very little threat of negative reaction. Plus, they are accepted very well by your skin and are similar to your natural oils and moisturizers.

As far as effectiveness goes, the best firming face cream treatments will contain ingredients that address the three major causes of wrinkles and sagging skin:

*Loss of collagen and elastin protein in the skin
*Skin damage caused by free radicals
*Low levels of hyaluronic acid in skin cells

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