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Monday, February 8, 2010

Eczema Soap - Best Ways to Cleanse the Skin to Avoid Further Irritation

When you have dermatitis or an eczema problem the first thought many people have is that they should be washing more and cleansing the skin. This isn't really the right solution for a number of reasons. First of all, drying out the skin can lead to eczema or aggravate it. Dry skin itches and is easy to scratch. It often proceeds a dermatitis problem. In addition many people are not careful about choosing a good eczema soap. Instead, they use soaps that contain fragrances and other ingredients that can cause allergic reactions. It is best to get a soap that has a dermatologist tested seal on the cover or to take baths with oatmeal to help the skin.

Another mistake made is to bathe in water is that is too hot. Keep the water lukewarm and try to avoid scrubbing the skin. Gentleness is very important when you have atopic eczema, discoid dermatitis or nummular skin issues. Don't try to scrape away the rash as this can only lead to further irritation and possible infections.

Taking a shower once or twice a day is sufficient. In the winter especially the skin should not be further dried out. Remember to moisturize after showering or taking a bath as the oils need to be replenished on the skin. My dermatologist said that Dove for sensitive skin is safe to use when I was diagnosed with eczema and he suggested I immediately apply moisturizer after I get out of the shower or bath. The moisturizer also needs to be recommended by a dermatologist for best results. I also consulted with a naturopath and combined coconut oil and olive oil to apply on the skin. I was also told to be sure to run a humidifier to keep the air moist.

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How to Find the Best Body Moisturizing Cream

We all want to find the best body moisturizing cream, of course. But we're becoming aware now, through the media mostly, that chemicals in our skin care products can harm us. Those of us who've read and watched reports about this are horrified to find out that certain chemicals used in skin care products were found in the tissue of breast cancer victims.

These chemicals, can also cause lung cancer. Now we are all left wondering how to find healthy products. Especially after reports that cosmetics companies cannot even be forced to list all the ingredients.


Don't go for the big name brands that spend fortunes on advertising. They will say just about anything to get us to buy their beauty lotions and potions, whether they live up to the promises or not. If you see celebrities bragging about how good they look because of one particular product, don't be gullible.

Many times it comes out that the celebrity has actually had plastic surgery. I feel betrayed when that happens, don't you? Do you ever wonder why these celebrities look younger every year? Is it the product they are advertising or is it botox, fillers and the scalpel? Hmmm.


When you go to the website and start reading about the products, there should be a good description of what the ingredients are. Make sure they are natural. You want to see plant extracts. You want to hear that they are using the latest technology when mixing these plant extracts for maximum benefits. If you see names like avocdo oil, shea butter and Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10, a special form of CoEnzyme Q10, you will know you are on to something spectacular.

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Say Bye-Bye to Dark Circles For Good With a Well Made Dark Under Eye Treatment

Are you tired of people asking you whether you are sick or if you stayed up late last night? Have you been mistaken for a raccoon or panda? Have you looked in the mirror and got scared because you thought you were looking at a zombie? Maybe it's time for a new dark under eye treatment.

Under eye circles can definitely be a problem. Dark under eye treatment may be required along with proper eating habits and a healthy lifestyle to get rid of those unsightly shadows beneath your eyes.

A wide variety of products that promise to get rid of under eye circles are out in the market. Different creams and oils that can be applied to dark under eyes with the same promise of lightening the skin and making you look younger can make choosing a brand difficult and confusing.

One thing to look at is the quality of the product. Read the label for the ingredients used and find out for yourself whether these ingredients have properties that can truly minimize the appearance of under eye circles. A lot of skin care products are just scams, fooling people into buying their products that are not only ineffective, but expensive as well.

The dark under eye treatment you will be using should also be reasonably priced. After all, you want to make sure you can afford buying several bottles of creams to make sure that dark circles are banished for good.

Effective eye creams are those that contain ingredients known to target and fix the cause of dark under eye circles. Cynergy TK is a breakthrough in skin care technology, as it promotes production of collagen and elastin. Aging slows down the production of these two important substances and UV rays caused by sun exposure can cause collagen and elastin breakdown. Cynergy TK stimulates the body's natural ability to produce these two substances to prevent wrinkles and dark under eye circles.

Nano-lipobelle H-EQ10, a form of CoQ10, is an antioxidant that can be applied to the skin. Antioxidants are usually ineffective when used topically but nano-lipobelle H-EQ10 is able to penetrate the skin deeply to fight off free radicals circulating in the body.

Of course, even when you use products for dark under eye treatment, it is important to nourish your body by eating a healthy, balanced diet and drinking plenty of water. Live a life free from unhealthy habits like smoking and find effective ways to handle your stress. That way, it's goodbye to raccoon-eyes forever.

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Get Rid of Those Dark Circles Pronto With Proven Dark Circles Eyes Treatments

Having those dark circles under your eyes can make you look like a raccoon, if not a panda. In addition, it adds about 6 to 10 years to your true age. It can be distressing and it can make people run and scream in the opposite direction in fear that you are a living dead. Okay, maybe not that bad.

When it comes to dark circles eyes treatment of various kinds are available. But before you go to the nearest store asking for under eye circle treatment, you must first know why you have those unsightly blemishes.

The thinnest skin in your body is under the eyes. There are a lot of blood vessels underneath the skin as well as fat pads held in place by muscle. Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by several factors; among them are sun exposure, fluid retention causing dilation of the vessels, and aging.

Sun exposure weakens the skin and exposure to UV rays can destroy collagen. Fluid retention due to increased dietary salt or smoking can cause blood vessels to dilate, giving the appearance of dark eye circles. Aging causes skin to lose elasticity as well as the fat pads under the eyes to thin.

You can always cover up your under eye circles with makeup but there are other options to get rid of them. One simple home remedy for dark circles is placing a cool slice of raw cucumber on each eye. This is said to lighten the area as well as reduce swelling around the eyes. Cool empty teabags are said to be a helpful dark circles eyes treatment. They help aid in calming the skin, especially those containing chamomile.

Other remedies include applying under eye creams to the dark circles. Check the label for the ingredients and make sure that there are no harmful chemicals like parabens and sulfates.

Some of the most effective substances in skin care are CoQ10, phytessence wakame, and cynergy TK. CoQ10 is an antioxidant that fights off the damaging effects of free radicals and like cynergy TK, aids the body to produce collagen and elastin. Phytessence wakame helps combat skin damage by blocking the actions of a harmful enzyme called hyaluronidase. Hyalurodinase breaks down collagen and elastin, contributing to the appearance of dark under eyes.

Another dark circles eyes treatment is the use of a laser. Lasers work by removing damaged skin and revealing fresher skin although some redness and discoloration may occur after treatment.

The best possible solution is still to take care of your body. Get adequate amounts of rest, eat right, and stop any bad habits like smoking to keep your skin healthy and vibrant. The best dark circles eyes treatment won't be fully effective unless you take all areas of your health into account.

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The Best Thing For Cellulite Control and Reduction

You cannot find the best thing for cellulite if you actually do not know what you are looking for. If you do not know what are the problems that need to be resolved in cellulite, you can easily be deceived into buying products that claim to be the best thing there is.

Cellulite Is Not a Single Problem

There is a misconception as to the nature of cellulite. Cellulite is oversimplified into a mere fat build up. However, getting rid of fat does not fully resolve the problem that is caused by cellulite.

Fat build-up is indeed the main culprit of cellulite. The increase of cellulite in the subcutaneous layer causes dimples, lumps and bumps on the surface of the skin because the chamber like storage cells of fat rise up and push against the dermis and the epidermis.

Fat build-up is the most obvious problem of cellulite. However, there are other accompanying problems that may be hidden but are likewise significant in the reduction and improvement of the appearance of cellulite affected skin. These problems are poor circulation, poor metabolism, poor collagen formation, and poor skin hydration.

Healthy circulation is needed for healthy and beautiful skin. Good metabolism is crucial for the conversion fat to energy which significantly reduces fat build up. Collagen production is important to restore the elasticity and flexibility of the skin. A well hydrated skin promotes smoother and softer texture. This only means that there is no such thing as a single best thing for cellulite, rather varied with ingredients containing properties that effectively achieve these results should be resorted to.

What Solves Cellulite Problem Areas

Cellulite problem areas such as fat build-up, poor circulation, poor collagen production, and poor skin hydration should be catered to and resolved in order to effectively reduce the appearance of cellulite, improve skin health and texture and prevent further recurrence of cellulite.

The best thing for cellulite creams is the ingredients that it contains because these ingredients will determine what properties the product contain and how capable it is in resolving the problem areas associated to cellulite.

Caffeine is one ingredient that is most familiar to cellulite product consumers because caffeine is almost always included in anti-cellulite creams. Caffeine is a sought after ingredient because it effectively reduces subcutaneous fat when applied on the surface of the skin. This property of caffeine makes it a valuable ingredient for topical anti-cellulite products.

Other than caffeine, the following are also must have ingredients in cellulite cream products: Algae extract improves circulation and allows the skin to be rightly hydrated. Retinol A is a derivative of Vitamin A that effectively stimulates the production of collagen. Capsicum extract increases and improves blood circulation. Green tea extract is famous for its slimming and detoxifying properties which is crucial for resolving many of the problem areas associated to cellulite formation.

So, the best thing for cellulite is a cellulite cream or product that actually works to resolve all problem areas that accompany fat build-up. Choose the product that has all of the above ingredients to ensure that these problem areas are well taken cared of.

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