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Friday, September 25, 2009

Rosacea Skin Care - What's News?

Rosacea is yet another skin condition without a known cause but new research suggests that it tends to have a hereditary factor in addition to a history of sunburns. The research was based on the study of 130 patients with moderate to severe cases of rosacea. The study showed that 34% of the patients had a family member with the condition and that 44% had blistering sunburns at least once.

The research conducted is a possible link to finding a cure. However, the study didn't show whether sunburns cause the development of the condition or if people with rosacea are more affected by sunburns. Even so, it is recommended to use a sunscreen to protect the skin from possible damage.

The cause of this condition is still not known. People that suffer from this skin condition experience redness on different parts of their face which can be damaging to ones self-esteem. There are many treatments for rosacea that can help to keep the condition at bay.

Improving Rosacea with a Natural Treatment

Natural treatments for Rosacea are recommended because they use mild, but effective ingredients to keep the condition at bay. The secretion of the land snail Helix Aspersa Muller has been known to considerably improve rosacea. These are some of the benefits:

-Protects blood vessels and promotes unhindered blood flow by stimulating a proper release of fibrin.

-Promotes the development of healthy capillaries

-Stabilize the dilatation of capillaries that can otherwise cause dark red blotches on the skin.

Help Reduce Flushing

In addition to natural treatment creams, a good way of helping your skin is to stay away from factors that can trigger flushing. These are some of the things you should avoid:

-Alcoholic Beverages: You can still enjoy them, but try virgin drinks instead

-Hot Beverages: Such as coffee

-Spicy Foods: Stay away from harsh condiments

-Sun Exposure: Protect your skin with a Sunscreen

-Very Cold and Hot Weather: Use a skin care cream that can protect your skin

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Boils and What You Can Do About Them

If you have never had a boil, then consider yourself very fortunate. These are extremely painful and normally developed in highly sensitive spots like your groin area, your neck, and the armpits, under your breasts, and on any other spot that might receive chafing. They are similar to an overgrown pimple, and many times are caused because of an infected hair follicle.

These can get very large, often to the size of a ping-pong ball, and hurt very bad. There are some things that you can do to help prevent these from occurring, and most of it holds down to cleanliness. In order to prevent them, you need to keep the areas that are prone to getting them clean, often using an antibacterial soap helps, and keeping the areas dry. You also want to avoid wearing clothes that are overly tight.

There are some methods to treat these at home, and I will list these below.

One thing you never ever wanted due to a boil is to squeeze it, scratch it, drain it or lance it. If you squeeze the boil that can cause the infection go deeper into your skin and if you scratch it you can spread the infection to other areas of your body.
Use an antibacterial soap to wash your body thoroughly and to keep any infection from spreading to different areas.
As soon as you notice a boil developing, you need to apply hot, wet washcloths do it for periods of 20 to 30 minutes at a time, 3 to 4 times a day. These two combined, both that he and the moisture work together to soften up the skin and bring the boil to a head. Often times it can take as long as 5 to 7 days for a head to develop, so don't try to rush it along by squeezing it. If you are to apply a hot water bottle or a heating pad that is waterproof over the top of a moist towel this can also help.
After the boil finally opens up and starts to drain, you want to keep using warm compresses on it for approximately 3 days. Make sure you put a covering over it to keep the pus and ooze from spreading around and possibly infecting other follicles. Make sure that you change the bandage everyday.
There are times when a boil develops in an area that is much too painful to deal with, and if this is the case it might be necessary to contact your Dr. for it. The doctor will be able to lance it and treat the infection properly. If any of these following circumstances are present, don't hesitate to go into the Dr.

If by a foul happenstance that you happen to get a boil on your face, in their area of your spine, or around the anal area, don't hesitate to call.
If any of the signs of the infection make it seem that it is getting more severe, i.e. increased pain swelling and heat, tenderness, redness, red streaks extending from it, a prolonged discharge of pus, or a high fever of 100° or more without any other cause. Go in.
If you get any other type of lumps near the infected area, go in.
If you can't perform any of your normal activities because of the pain, go in.
If you are a diabetic, you need to go in.
If the boil becomes as large as a ping-pong ball, don't hesitate to go in.
If after 5 to 7 days of trying to treat it yourself and trying to get it to come to a head doesn't work, it might be time to go in.
If over period of several months you develop a lot of boils, it's a good idea to get checked out.
As you can see these are extremely painful and unpleasant experience. Most times they can be prevented by showering regularly and keeping yourself clean, but it isn't always the case. Sometimes these things just happen. I hope that you found this article helpful and that it will increase your knowledge in this area.

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Top Facial Cleansers - Proven Ingredients That Only the Top Facial Cleansers Have

I don't think that many people put enough consideration into what it is that the top facial cleansers actually contain. If more attention was paid to what it is that goes into these and other skin care products, then the sales reports for these formulas would be bleak. There is nothing that goes into the majority of these formulas that you should want to use on your skin.

The vast majority of the people that are buying the well known, brand name formulas have no idea what it is that they are allowing to be absorbed into their bodies on a daily basis. The cosmetics industry is primarily self regulated, and the lack of outside supervision has allowed them to practice with few ethics. Let me tell you a little bit about what you are likely to find in the products being manufactured, so that your eyes will be open to what they are doing to you.

Most of the top facial cleansers are primarily formulated using chemical agents as ingredients. You will notice that these formulas always seem to be scented, but what you may not know is that there is nothing natural in your formula that is producing that scent. Aromas in cosmetics products are manufactured by any number of 4,000 different chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic or damaging to the central nervous system.

These are only the fragrance producing chemicals, as we have yet to mention the toxic effect of the commonly used preservative and antibacterial agents that are present in these formulas. These toxins are so dangerous that certain reactions to them can cause sudden death, and one of the antibacterial agents creates its own variety of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

What the top facial cleansers need to contain instead of these agents are all natural compounds. You need ingredients that are not only going to be effective in treating your skin, but that are also completely safe for you to use. Look for ingredients such as Cynergy TK with Functional Keratin, active Manuka honey, Shea butter, Allantoin, Kaolin, and Bentone gel.

These compounds will get your skin cleaner, make it softer, and reduce wrinkles more effectively than anything that you will find in the supposed top facial cleansers. Ingredients such as these will make your skin healthier overall, and give it the type of glow that will make you the envy of all your friends. This is how a products should be made.

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