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Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Scary Truth About Some Skin Care Cream

Let me let you in on something a lot of people don't like to talk about: the skin care cream you use may in fact be a hazard to your health. Now, I don't mean that it is poisonous, or that it could hurt you through short term contact...but more and more data is being released that suggest that some skin creams are way more dangerous over a period of long term application that anyone thought.

How could something as innocuous as a skin care moisturizer cream be harmful, you might wonder? The problem lies in the chemicals that constitute it, that are used to make up the full range of the product. Many skin care creams, for example, utilize parabens - chemical compounds that are very cheap to produce, and are found within a wide variety of products, from toothpastes to skin creams.

Although when coming into temporary contact with the body, parabens do not remain, and are avoided easily enough, when included in a skin care cream something very different's easy to think of your skin as being only the surface of your body, but the fact is, the epidermis is incredibly porous. Think about staying in a bath for too long...your body actually sucks up moisture into your skin like a sponge.

Now consider further that your skin will do that to anything it comes into contact with, effectively drinking it into your body! In terms of just your skin, there is no problem...what is on or in the skin can be shed through dead cells, as part of a regenerative process of the body. But when it comes to chemicals like parabens in some skin care moisturizer cream, they may be absorbed into your body outright.

The European Scientific Committee on Consumer Products has announced that as much as 50% of the parabens that are absorbed into the body may not be removed through the epidermis, and may in fact remain within the deep tissue of the body permanently! As it turns out, there is no way to excise these harmful chemicals, and when they increase.. Say, through repeated uses of a skin care cream...They build up...And up...And up...

So, you might think, what's the harm in having these chemicals in my body? And that's fair: there are a lot of chemicals that we come into contact with that are not directly harmful. But in the case of parabens, there is a whole slew of effects that are coming to light. Effects such as imbalances in levels of estrogen, and negative reactions to other toxins, as well as the most dangerous potential of all, the trigger of cancer. Yes, studies have found a link between the parabens in misuse of skin care cream and the formation of various types of cancer. Scary stuff!

Now here is what disturbs me. The data on parabens is not brand new. In fact, The European Scientific Committee on Consumer Products released information regarding the potential danger of parabens in 2006. Skin care companies know what parabens are, and what they do, but they are simply too cheap and too efficient to remove them from their products! Instead of relying on the data that has come to light on skin care cream, they say that they will wait on more research to come to light before they will even discuss removing them!

This makes me sick, and worried for my health. Why, with the risk of cancer being known for years, do these companies insist on putting more and more people in harm's way? I thank goodness for initiatives like the Compact for Safe Cosmetics, whose signatories swear to avoid all chemicals known to have negative effects on the human bodies. It's nice to know that there are a brave few companies taking a stand against all of this!

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Redefining Your Skin Care Routine

Skin care regimes are good as early as you can adopt them. However, they need to change with time and take care of changing conditions. Updates should be regular in that department.

Here are ways to go about it:

Flawless Skin
An eight hour sleep is more of a luxury for many. Most often than not, it’s just waking up half asleep, dabbing on some moisturizer and heading out. But that is really not the right way to go about it. Before you apply your foundation there is one important step that you are missing out on.

That is the Primer. Primers are light weight gentle creams that make the skin smooth and silky. Moreover, it makes your make up stay fresh all day long. Comprising of ingredients like vitamins and antioxidants, primers do a lot for the skin.

acne care
Using spot creams and drying potions to cure acne are a thing of the past. Inspite of regular application throughout the day, these items don’t work good enough. acne treatments make use of ingredients like salicylic or glycolic acid and benzoyl peroxide, which if used in excess can cause heavy damage to the skin.

It is about time you switched to good quality acne care products that work to eliminate the root cause of acne and prevents blemishes, pimples and blackheads. There are also several skin packs that work to reduce acne and acne scars from the skin surface.

Anti Aging Care
Prevention is always better than cure. Buying skin care products to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines from your face can be avoided if you take good care of your skin. Reducing sun exposure, moisturizing your skin well, and nourishing it regularly are some things that you can do to delay the appearance of signs of aging.

If you are using anti aging skin care products, make sure they aim to stimulate collagen production within the skin so as to supplement elasticity. Anything that claims to replenish lost collagen is not true because collagen molecules are not able to enter skin pores on topical application. In fact collagen supplements cannot even gel with the original collagen of your body.

Special Skin Care
For skin care to be effective, it needs to be skin specific. The skin care products that you use should be formulated for your particular skin type and have a customized approach for the same.

When skin care products suit your skin type they have maximum effectives and don’t lead to any side effects whatsoever.

Fragrance Skin Care
Gone are the days when skin care products used to smell like medical stores. It’s all about smelling good nowadays. Fragrance skin care products carry a nice scent along with active ingredients to cure your specific skin condition. Fragrance ingredients interact with the skin’s heat and release their full potential.

With fragrance skin care products you don’t need to fear any mix up of the various cosmetics and skin care products that you have on. The fragrance elements take care to cover up all of that and make you smell wonderful all over!

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How To Choose An Anti Aging Skin Care Product

It seems like every time you turn around there is another new anti aging skin care product on the market. How is anyone supposed to wade through all the promises of clearer, younger, more radiant skin, to pick a product that will actually deliver? Well, in this article, I hope to help with lists of things to look for, things to avoid, and why.

So, let’s get started.

The Good

First, let’s start with a few of the things that you do want in your next anti aging skin care product. Now these are the latest and greatest, best of the best ingredients, but don’t let that scare you. Just because they are the best, doesn’t necessarily mean they are the most expensive.

Phytoessence Wakame is an ingredient that is derived from a type of kelp found in the seas around Japan. It helps to increase the levels of hyaluronic acid in your skin by inhibiting the enzyme hyaluronidase which breaks down hyaluronic acid. “So what”, you say?

Hyaluronic acid, or hyaluranon, is a major element of the skin, and aids in the repair of skin tissue. It also helps keep the collagen and elastin fibers together, maintaining the firmness, smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid can start to decrease with age, but can also decrease from frequent exposure to UV B radiation that leads to a sunburn. The inflammation from the sunburn contributes to declining amounts of hyaluronic acid being produced by the skin cells.

This loss of hyaluronic acid can produce a less youthful appearance, and prompt the development of dark circles under the eyes. Phytoessence Wakame can actually help restore the levels of hyaluronic acid in your skin to that of a somewhat younger person.

Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 is an amazing new type of nanotechnology for the skin. It is a “nano emulsion” form of Coenzyme Q10 that can penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin, where its antioxidant properties prevent the formation of free radicals.

This is where you can see a significant decrease in fine lines and wrinkles, and an increase in collagen and elastin. Imagine that, younger looking skin from the inside, out!

Now, many anti aging skin care products will include Coenzyme Q10 in their list of ingredients, but it may not be doing the consumer any good. Most products that contain CoQ10 do not have it in a sufficient concentration to actually work.

The Bad

These are only some of the ingredients that you don’t want to see in your anti aging skin care product. And I’ll explain why.

Mineral Oil

Mineral oil can be found in literally hundreds, if not thousands, of products for the skin for the sole reason that it is cheap! This ingredient can hide behind many different names, such as: petrolatum, liquid paraffin, albolene and paraffin wax, just to name a few.

One would think with “oil” in the name, that surely it must be good for the skin. On the contrary, mineral oil is actually not something that you want to find in your anti aging skin care product. Here’s why.

The skin is the largest organ in your body and one of its jobs is to keep body fluids from evaporating, while also eliminating toxins out of the pores through sweat.

When mineral oil is applied to the skin it can clog the pores and keep your body from eliminating toxins. It can also irritate the skin, cause acne flare ups, and even lead to premature aging. Mineral oil can eventually cause your skin to become chapped and dry, over long periods of use.


Everyone wants to smell good, right? But do you really know what is in those fragrances mysteriously listed on the label? Most people don’t.

A lot of the ingredients that make up a fragrance can be toxic, or worse, carcinogenic. These are then applied to the skin in a lotion or cream, and the skin subsequently absorbs the potentially deadly compounds.

I prefer my anti aging skin care products free of toxic compounds, thank you!


The Parabens: ethyl, methyl, butyl and propyl paraben are commonly used in the cosmetic industry as a preservative. Sounds pretty benign at first, until you look at all the research and see the disastrous effects this group of ingredients can have on your overall health.

Paraben use has been associated with skin rashes, allergic reactions, and can even interfere with the endocrine system, according to some published studies. Other studies go even further, finding that paraben exposure can lead to cancer.

Make no mistake about it, there are many other ingredients that warrant caution, but these are just a few that one needs to look out for when searching for quality anti aging skin care products. Nevertheless, now you are armed with more information on how to find the best ones that will work for you.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Ugly Truth About Skin Care Creams

If you are like me, you are not going to stop trying skin care creams until you find the best one out there. The problem is that the search can be expensive and seemingly endless. Of all the skin creams out there, I have yet to find one that is natural and actually effective. You are definitely not going to find the best natural skin care cream looking at magazines or TV commercials. Have you ever stopped to take a look at what kind of ingredients those big name products contain?

If you want to look beautiful naturally and without putting your health at risk, you must stop using products that contain ingredients that sound like they are straight out of a science experiment. The best skin creams will contain nothing but 100 percent natural ingredients.

Would you feel uncomfortable applying creams to your skin that contain ingredients that have been linked to problems like cancer, premature aging, and paralysis? I figured. Numerous scientific studies show that most of the mainstream products out there are going to put you at risk for these problems and more. You might think it sounds like a conspiracy theory but the cold, hard truth is that many of the chemical ingredients commonly found in skin care products are outright dangerous. The only way to avoid putting your health in danger day to day is by using the best natural skin care cream.

Take the chemicals DEA, TEA, and MEA for example. They are often used in mainstream skin care creams to adjust the pH. They can cause a variety of allergic reactions including eye problems and dryness of hair and skin. In addition they can be toxic if used over a long period of time. In Europe they are banned due to known carcinogenic effects. Unfortunately for consumers, other areas of the world are lagging behind when it comes to regulating product safety. At the very least, companies that create the best skin creams will have signed the Compact for Safe Cosmetics.

Companies that have signed the Compact for Safe Cosmetics have pledged not to use any ingredients in their products that have been strongly suspected of causing health problems. We can only hope that one day these ingredients are banned altogether. Sadly at this time most companies are more concerned about profits than product effectiveness or safety. So you are probably wondering where you can find the best natural skin care cream.

It might surprise you but the best skin creams can be found online. The big brands might be household names but they are not good options when you look at how much they cost and the harmful ingredients they contain. Online products are generally the best way to go because the companies that sell online spend very little on marketing and devote a large chunk of their budgets to research and development. Because so much time and money is spent on researching and developing the best possible products, online companies are at the cutting edge of skin care technology.

The best natural skin care cream is not going to decorate the pages of famous magazines or be endorsed by top models. In fact, you will probably never have heard of it all. The problem is that most people fall for the traps set by big corporations tricking consumers into buying products that are expensive, ineffective, and laden with harmful chemical ingredients. So what are you waiting for? Jump off the bandwagon and start looking for a skin cream that is affordable, natural, and above all, effective.


Tips on Finding a Good Body Cream

If you're like most people, you probably use any run of the mill body cream you find at the drugstore. Sure, who wouldn't? The convenience factor and agreeable price tag have most people buying their skin care products at their nearest drugstore or grocery store. Then there are those on the opposite end of the spectrum who think that by going to the most elite department store counter possible and buying the most expensive lotion there that they are going to get the best product.

The truth is that both of these approaches are way off. Okay, so you have to expect to spend around fifty dollars on good body lotion and creams. Before you write that off as too expensive, hear me out. Good lotions and creams contain a high, high concentration of active ingredients and that's why they are going to cost you a little bit more but you have to verify that first.

You probably look at product labels and see "with collagen" or "natural vitamin E" but did you ever check to see how much of the ingredients are really used? Most body cream is made up of cheap, synthetic fillers. The active ingredients so proudly boasted of are used in such small concentrations that they might as well not be there.

On the other hand, the best body lotion and creams will be made up at least 50 percent by active ingredients. The concentration of active ingredients in a body lotion should be the same as in any effective face lotion. Don't think that just because you need more body lotion than face lotion that you can settle for less. To look healthy, young, and beautiful from head to toe you absolutely need to use a good body lotion.

In order to get your hands on such a good body cream you will have to pay a little bit more than average. However considering what you are getting, it is an extremely good deal. So before you immediately write off a body cream for being a bit pricey, think about what you'd be getting in return.

What are some of the active ingredients you should be looking for? First consider what you want to achieve by using body lotion and creams. Some people want to moisturize their skin. Others want to put off the signs of aging. Some people might want to make blemishes fade away. Whatever your reason or reasons may be, what if I told you that one cream can do all that and more with the right combination of ingredients working in synergy together?

Look for a body cream that contains CynergyTK, coenzyme Q10, phytessence wakame, natural vitamin E, active manuka honey, and olivem 800, to name a few. These ingredients get rid of everything from wrinkles to dry skin to blemishes. They are the latest skin care technology has to offer and working in synergy together they can leave your skin feeling softer, smoother, and more youthful than you ever thought possible.

Your next step? Don't settle for a mediocre body cream just because it is cheap and easy to find. Use this information as a guide and start looking for a body lotion that is more than just a bottle full of mineral oil and glycerine. Look for a cream that contains a high concentration of active ingredients not found in your typical body lotions. If you do so, just by putting lotion on your skin everyday you will be putting off aging, reducing blemishes, and hydrating your skin deeply.


Dry Skin Care - What to Do When You Have Dry Itchy Skin

Can you imagine having soft, smooth, and healthy skin for the rest of your life? If you have dry itchy skin, this is still very possible for you to attain, as long as you know what to do and how to do it.

So first of all, why is your skin dry? There could be many reasons for this. You could be washing too much or using harsh detergents to clean your skin. Dry air, like what's produced by air conditioners and heaters, will also suck the moisture right out of your skin. Maybe you have a specific skin condition like psoriasis or eczema. If you notice your skin is occasionally flaking, you should definitely consult a doctor to see if you have an underlying skin condition.

If your looking for a way to cure your dry itchy skin, here's what NOT TO DO:

*Don't go to your local department or drug store and buy any and every product that claims to fix your dry skin condition. Most of the products you'll see at these locations are cheap, and that's for a reason. They are made with extremely cheap ingredients that can often cause negative side effects; and you are especially prone to these negative side effects if your have dry skin.

*Don't ignore the problem, thinking you cannot do anything about it. Dry skin care has come a long way, and if you look for the right kind of solution, you'll most likely be able to avoid having dry itchy skin in the future.

Alright, now here's what you SHOULD DO to cure dry itchy skin:

*Only invest in all-natural organic skin care products. Since you already have sensitive skin, it's not smart to get products that contain harmful toxins or chemicals. Organic products contain ingredients from various plants, herbs, oils, seeds, and other natural sources. And for the most part, these type of ingredients pose zero chance of experiencing negative side effects. Definitely a good idea if you have any type of sensitive skin.

*Look for dry skin care products that contains active manuka honey. Active manuka honey, derived specifically from New Zealand manuka bushes, contains scientifically-proven healing properties for the skin. It contains special enzymes that give it amazing antibacterial and antioxidant properties and stimulates the immune system. It's also very effective in healing skin blemishes like acne and even more serious conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Being able to penetrate deep into the skin to nourish and rejuvenate it, it makes your skin look softer and younger.

*Make sure to keep your skin moisturized. Drink lots of water and use moisturizer frequently. Avocado oil is known as a deeply hydrating ingredient and is rich in vitamins A, D, and E, as well as other essential minerals. It's high in sterolins, which creates a wonderful moisturizing effect that is great for curing dry skin.

*Another ingredient to look for is Babassu, which is a light natural wax that creates an invisible barrier to retain moisture in your skin. Again, it's been proven to help cure dry, itchy skin and conditions involving dry skin.

*One more good ingredient that helps with dry skin is Shea Butter. The natural moisturizers is Shea Butter are virtually identical to the moisturizers produced by the sebaceous glands in your skin. Regular use of Shea Butter can alleviate many skin problems including blemishes, wrinkles, itching, sunburns, and even eczema and other skin conditions.

What are you doing to make your skin more healthy? Hopefully I have provided you with some insight on what you can do. If you look on the Internet, there are plenty of products you can get to fix your dry skin problem. And on the web, you can do the proper research to see if the product has the right ingredients for you.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Skin care system

This flexible skin care system from Kimberly-Clark Professional, which provides either foam or lotion soap, helps make soap dispensing more versatile and maintenance a breeze. The KIMCARE Cassette Skin Care system offers interchangeable 1-liter cassettes of foam or lotion soap in eight different formulas. The refill cassettes slip right into the dispenser, for easy maintenance, while a fresh pump in every refill improves hygiene and upgrades a restroom's image by eliminating clogging and messy residue that can result when pumps are reused.


Planet-friendly skin care

Aveda's Green Science antiaging skin line is manufactured using 100 percent wind power, the formulas contain organic oils, and most of the packaging is made from recycled material. Plus, company research shows that after six weeks of use, the collection, including the Lifting Serum, right ($50;, diminishes lines and firms skin by 40 percent.


Cassette Skin Care System

The KIMCARE * Cassette Skin Care system from Kimberly-Clark Professional offers interchangeable 1-liter cassettes of foam or lotion soap. The cassettes fit the universal mounting brackets used for the KIMCARE * ALL-N-1 line. A fresh pump in every refill improves hygiene and eliminates clogging and messy residue. Used soap cassettes are recyclable.


Skin care

Lantiseptic[R] skin care products, available from Links Medical Products, Inc., provide skin barrier protection for incontinence. They are also useful in preventing and treating other conditions, such as diaper dermatitis, chafed or ulcer-prone skin, severe dry cracked skin on hands and feet, and stage I and II pressure sores.
