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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Best Antiaging Skin Care Cream Lotion to Slow Skin Aging

Do you want radiant and great looking skin? Fact is, most women tend to have it harder than most men do. Women have oil glands that secrete lesser oil, and therefore are more susceptible to wrinkles, fine lines and under eye bags than their opposites.

As we grow older, the changes in hormone levels result in more fragile dermis for both sexes. When they reach our forties and fifties, men will lose their testosterone and end up with dry looking skin. Women on the other hand, will experience a drop of 90 % and 66% in levels for both estrogen and progesterone levels respectively.

Because of these changes, both sexes will have outer epidermis that turn out to be a weaker barrier against irritants or other forms of allergens. As a result, wrinkles and fine lines will start to appear.

However, that does not mean you have to accept this outcome. In fact, you can reverse or slow down skin aging by practicing a good skincare routine.

If you goal or objective is to minimize those aging signs, you should make use of a good anti aging skin care cream lotion to help ease those wrinkled fine lines. Here are some powerful ingredients that can help you achieve younger and smoother looking complexion.

Cynergy TK

This ingredient can help you to stimulate collagen and elastin growth. It can also create extra oxidation through the action of free radicals. Unfortunately, this ingredient is not available in big-name products yet so you are unlikely to find this ingredient in the States. As far as I know, there is only one Skincare Company in New Zealand, which has incorporated this particular ingredient in their product ranges.

Phytessence Wakame

Another ingredient is Wakame. This ingredient can help to increase the levels of hyaluronic acid in your body. Hyaluronic acid is needed to help maintain the firmness and elasticity of your skin. As a matter of fact, many Japanese women has used Wakame to help them maintain their young and beautiful looking complexion.

CoEnzyme Q10

A good anti aging skin care cream lotion should have CoEnzyme Q10. This powerful ingredient is able to destroy free radicals in your body. That is why this ingredient is found in many leading anti aging products. It possesses deep penetrative abilities (as deep as 7 layers of our skin) which mean that it can effectively deliver nutrients to nourish your skin.

Used collectively, these ingredients can help you to achieve youthful and better-looking complexion.

And to help you get clearer and younger looking skin, I would like to share with you one anti aging skin care range of products that I discovered. They contain more active ingredients than any other cream on the market. These ingredients are effective moisturizers, because they penetrate deeply to "nourish" the skin. So, they never feel greasy.

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It's No No to Nanoparticles in Your Sunscreen

When we were kids we didn't think much about the effects of playing in the sun. Now there's usually a bottle of sunscreen by the door and children aren't allowed out in the nice weather without a generous coating of the stuff.

Skin Cancer from exposure to the sun is a serious risk. Luckily it can be prevented if we cover-up and wear sunscreen. But wearing sunscreen can create a new problem and all sunscreens are not made the same.

Conventional sunscreens have suspected carcinogens like DEA and TEA. Add on parabens, benzophenone, homosalate and octinoxate which research has linked to hormone disruption and PABA which can cause a skin rash and we have a chemical cocktail that causes concern.

But that's not all, now they've added Nanoparticles to the mix, to make the sunscreens we use more transparent.

As you can guess from the name, these particles are very tiny. Because of their size they can easily penetrate skin, especially the skin of a baby or toddler, which is thinner than that of an adult.

Since babies and toddlers are more vulnerable than adults and because the jury is out on the effects of's no no to Nanoparticles.

We can't keep our kids inside all summer long, so here's a few good options you could consider using when you slather up:

Bright white zinc oxide (like the lifeguards use)
California Baby SPF 30+
Baby Avalon Natural Sunscreen
Alba Botanica
Jason's Chemical Free Sunblock

Now go have fun in the sun.

P.S These chemicals are not only bad for us; they're effecting animals and fish as well. But that's a story for another day.

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Nautural Herbal Skin Care Will Restore Health and Beauty to Your Skin

Natural herbal skin care probably makes more sense that 90% of the new trends in our society. It leads to improved long term health, beautiful radiant skin land it slows down the aging process. Let's look at how I can make these claims so confidently.

Improved Long Term Health
"Natural" in natural herbal skin care infers that the products do not contain synthetic ingredients formulated in a lab somewhere. The skin is incredibly efficient at absorbing what is put on it. For instance, parabens which are used as preservatives in most skin care products, have been found in breast tissue and are linked to breast cancer.

Another substance you will not find in a truly natural product is mineral oil. Mineral oil is a byproduct of the petroleum industry that is used in skincare products because it costs next to nothing. And that is exactly what it will do to improve the health of your skin.

In fact, mineral oil clogs the pores trapping bacteria and keeping the skin from breathing.

Beautiful Skin
"Herbal" in natural herbal skin care infers the use of plant based ingredients. These are the types of ingredients that nourish the skin, keeping it healthy and radiant looking.

Avocado oil and shea butter are two of the best moisturizers that you can find. They are both very similar to the natural oils found in the skin so they are easily absorbed and coming from plant sources, they are loaded with nutrients.

Shea butter has been shown to help reduce blemishes and scars as well as provides a healing effect for more serious skin issues like psoriasis. Avocado oil lightens the skin while it supplies many vitamins and minerals. Recent studies on avocado oil have shown it to help stimulate the production of collagen in the skin.

Slowing Down the Aging Process
This is a huge claim that many skin care products make. However, only the best natural herbal skin care products are effective. Actually, every thing mentioned to this point will slow down the aging of your skin. Natural moisturizers are essential. Avoiding synthetic or petroleum based ingredients is critical.

However, this is only the starting point. Recent discoveries of science have shown great benefit from herbal products. As mentioned earlier avocado oil builds collagen level. Extrapone nutgrass root has been shown to fade age spots by inhibiting the formation of melanin in the skin.

The most effective way to slow down the aging process is to use natural herbal skin care that supplies nutrients, keeping it healthy, hydrated and firm. This will provide the long term, radiant skin we all desire.

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