3 Day Face Lift - What is it and Does it Work?
Wouldn't it be great if you could have the benefits of a face lift without the surgery and still see results in as early as 3 days? Thanks to Dr. Perricone and his 3 day face lift diet plan, now you can. You can use it by itself or you can use it as a start to a 28 day plan to help reverse the signs of stress and aging on your skin.
The 3 Day Face Lift diet increases the fatty acids and antioxidants in your body to maximize the benefits of them on your skin. As an added benefit, it makes you feel healthier and may even help you to lose weight. These nutrients come from replacing the regular foods in your diet with salmon and an abundance of fruits and vegetables.
There are many different types of fatty acids. Some come from plants while others originate from marine life. The body then uses these acids as they are or transform them into other components needed for bodily processes. The biggest problem is that two of these acids cannot be made by the body. Instead, they must be absorbed from the foods that you eat.
Essential fatty acids play an important role in many of the body's important life processes. Your immune system, circulatory system, and brain activity are just a few of the areas in the body that benefits from these nutrients. These nutrients also have a drastic effect on your skin.
The fatty acids included in the 3 day facelift prevents the moisture from being leached from your skin, which often causes the fine lines and wrinkles as well as skin inflammation. This inflammation not only causes red or swelled patches of skin, but also causes your pores to become clogged. Finally, omega-3s protect your skin from the sun and pollutants in the environment that can have serious negative effects on the quality of your skin.
Besides helping your body with things such as oxygen levels, brain activity, and digestion, fatty acids like omega-3 help to protect your skin and heal the damage that has already occurred. When your body uses oxygen, it produces toxins called free radicals that attack cells in the body, harming its normally healthy structure, causing effects such as illness and visible signs of aging.
The 3 day diet focuses on low glycemic indexed foods that provide an abundance of essential fatty acids and antioxidants to turn back the clock on your skin and your body. The main component is wild salmon that is eaten twice a day along with other foods rich in fatty acids such as omega-3 eggs. For antioxidants, you need to eat lots of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables such as berries, melons, and lettuce. For snacks, you can have nuts, yogurt, and poultry.
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