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Monday, September 1, 2008

Oily Skin Care - Quick Primer on What to Look For in Oily Skincare Products

Oily skin care must, out of necessity, focus on effective cleansers. But, "effective" does not mean harsh or abrasive. Many oily skincare products on the market contain artificial colors, dyes and other known allergens.

It is popular to include "micro-beads" designed to exfoliate and increase the scrubbing action that would normally only include a clean wash cloth. The question is this. Is any of this really good for your skin's health? The answer is "no". Researchers have shown that washing with plain soap and water removes as much bacteria and sebum as washing with exfoliating micro-beads and antibacterial soaps.

One of the most common ingredients in oily skin care cleansers is triclosan. It's in Clearasil, Dial and many other cleansers that contain the phrase "anti-bacterial soap". You don't need it and you don't want it. You should avoid anything that contains it.

One of the best oily skincare products is simple orange oil extract. The oil is extracted from the orange peels. If you really want a scrub, you should try peeling an orange and using the inner peel to wash your face. Natural solutions are always the best.

Once you've found an effective daily cleanser, you should look for oily skincare products that will balance sebum production throughout the day. Jojoba is one of the best. It has proven benefits in treating a wide range of skin conditions, including acne and psoriasis.

It's hard to find plain jojoba. Typically, you will see it as a minor ingredient in some other lotion. But, if the other ingredients are too greasy, you'll only exacerbate your problem.

Another good step in oily skin care is the regular use of a deep cleansing mask. The ingredients should include extracts from mineral clay, primarily kaolin and bentone gel. These solutions will soak up excessive oil and "pull" dirt out of your pores. You'll have fewer breakouts, as a result, and your face will feel smooth and clean.

Witch hazel is another of the more effective oily skincare products. Unlike alcohol, which is very drying, witch hazel is soothing, particularly after shaving, but it has antiseptic activity that prevents breaking out and soaks up excess sebum.

One thing that you should remember about oily skin care; if the products that you use cause excessive dryness, you'll have more difficulty as you age. Moister skin is younger looking skin. Sebum, the skin's natural moisture, improves elasticity, which is naturally lost with age.

So, to sum it up, harshness, abrasives, excessive alcohols and artificial antibacterial agents should be avoided. No matter how young you are, it's never too early to start protecting yourself from wrinkles, sagging and excessive dryness.

It's always easier to prevent, than to repair. Try to find oily skincare products that also counter the signs of aging. You'll get a better balance.

Read more about jojoba, witch hazel and orange oil. Investigate the benefits of vitamin B5 and manuka honey. The more that you learn, the more successful you will be with your oily skin care routine, for the rest of your life.

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Skin Care in Your 20s - Fight Premature Aging Before it Starts

Being in your twenties is such an exciting time. You're finally coming into your own -- starting a career, a relationship, and probably making some big financial decisions. In your twenties, if you care about your skin, one of the most important decisions that you can make is to take preventative measures to fight aging.

Preventative skin care in your twenties doesn't have to be time consuming, nor will it in anyway inhibit your social butterfly status. Just implement a few simple changes to your existing regime and you'll win the fight against premature aging.

Anti Aging Advantage

Before you head to the nearest beauty store to source out the latest anti aging, sit down listen to your iPod and read this. Anti aging products will not help you when you're in your twenties. They're simply not formulated for your skin type, and you'll just be washing money down the drain when you buy them.

Starting a preventative skin care regime in your twenties is a powerful weapon against premature aging. You're basically up-weighting an already existing advantage -- time. In your twenties you haven't yet spent enough time abusing your skin for it to be irrecoverable.

Start With the Basics

Before we launch into the skin care tips and tricks, let's make sure you've got the basics covered. You should already be using a cleanser and a moisturizer at least once per day. If you're not -- put them into your daily routine immediately. They don't have to be expensive, just find one that is right for your skin types (consult beauticians, review sites, and even family and friends).

No #1 Skin Care Defense

Here is the number one tip that anyone can ever give you when it comes to anti aging. It applies at any stage of your life, but the earlier you start the more effective it is. One word -- sunscreen. Whatever you call it suncream, sunblock, it's the stuff you put on your face that blocks out those harmful UV rays.

Why is sun protection so important? The UV rays from the sun penetrate the melanin in the skin causing it to mutate. This can then lead to pigmentation, discoloration, wrinkles, and even skin cancer. With the exception of skin care, these things are what classifies premature aging. Incorporate sun protection into your daily morning skin care regime and you've almost won the battle.

Partying Too Hard

Now the last point is probably not what you want to hear. Unfortunately, smoking, drugs, and alcohol speed up the aging process. Smoking can cause fine lines around the mouth and even crows feet. It also sallows the complexion. Drinking has been link to dehydrating the skin causing fine lines and wrinkles. So while we're never going to say stop having a good time, just think about your lifestyle choices in moderation!

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How to Win the Battle With Cellulite

Almost ninety percent of women suffer from cellulite. It is something that occurs quickly and without a warning. Many people complain about it yet very few of those people try to do anything about getting rid of it. Most people only purchase creams and lotions which are said to target the problem; however, simply applying a cream to the affected area will not have magical results. Getting rid of cellulite has to start from within. So is there anything else we can do in order to win the battle with cellulite?

There are several things which we have to do in order to win this particular battle. A well balanced diet and exercise are the two key factors. Try consuming a diet that is rich in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid fried foods and refined carbohydrates (such as white bread and white rice). Remember to keep yourself hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will not only accomplish this task but it will also help your body get rid of unwanted toxins. You should also limit your alcohol, caffeine and salt intake. And while you're at it, try to quit smoking and avoid being around those who smoke. It is a proven fact that cigarette smoke harms your small blood vessels.

Once you have the diet part down, remember to exercise at least 30 minutes each day. You can even try certain strength exercises if you want to target a specific area of the body. And last but not least, try to reduce your stress levels. Stress can have a negative effect on your skin; therefore, try to find something that relaxes your mind and body during a time of tension. All of these cellulite loss factors require focus and dedication and once you have mastered them you can try to incorporate beneficial cellulite creams into your regimen.


Are You Suffering From Excess Cellulite?

If you are woman who is struggling with your weight then most likely you are suffering from excess cellulite. This is the cottage cheese looking dimples that accumulate around the fatty areas of the body such as the buttocks, underarms, stomach and even the back of the legs. This article is going to help you learn what you can begin doing today to get rid of the excess fat from your body.

Unfortunately if you are a women then you are more likely to have the cellulite problem than men; since we tend to have more body fat than they do. I know this seems unfair after all we have to deal with all kinds of other things; the last thing we want to deal with is cellulite. The good news is that you can learn what to do to begin getting rid of it from your body.

Most likely if you are suffering from excess cellulite then you tend to avoid going to public places such as the beach because you do not want to be seen in a bikini. Well we sympathize with you because we understand how this can affect someone's self esteem and even cause them to lose their self confidence.

However it does not have to; one of the best natural remedies for cellulite is learning how to eat better and taking the time to become more active. The problem with women today or anyone else who is suffering with being overweight is that they say they want to lose weight; however they are not willing to do what it takes to lose it.

In order for this to happen you have to have self discipline. It is not going to be easy and if you have ever struggled to lose weight then you personally understand how difficult it can be to shed the weight from your body. Well if you have cellulite then it can even be more difficult because this is nothing but excess fat on your body.

One thing you should begin doing is completely eliminate any junk food from your diet. This may be one of the reasons you are suffering from this condition, the calories and toxins from all those processed unnatural foods are most likely stored in your body's fat cells. They are not good fats; but the kind of fats that cause your body look like it has dimples and like you have cottage cheese on your body.

You do not have to put up with it anymore begin learning exactly what it takes to get your body back into shape. You not only want to begin looking better; but you also want to make sure that you can eliminate the chances of you acquiring any other health conditions that can cause serious problems.

If you are ready to take your eating habits to the next level and are tired of suffering from excess cellulite then visit our site below. Get all the valuable information that will not only get you back into shape; but will help your self confidence grow and will also help you get your self esteem back.


Creams For Getting Rid of Dry Skin - Are They Just For People With Skin Disorders?

Dry skin disorders such as psoriasis are painful, embarrassing and sometimes debilitating for people who suffer from them. In the past, people with these disorders had to try numerous creams for getting rid of dry skin before they found the one that worked best for them; a lot of them failed. Fortunately, today there are some natural topical creams for dry skin that can really clear up the red, scaly patches and intense itchiness that are often signs of these illnesses.

But creams for getting rid of dry skin are not only for people with skin disorders like psoriasis, they are for anyone who is concerned about treating and preventing dry skin in the first place. And let's face it that can be any one of us.

Dry skin occurs because our skin loses its ability to retain moisture. Our exposure to the sun's UV rays, wind, extreme temperatures, indoor heating and time cause this to occur. Our face, hands, elbows, knees and feet are especially vulnerable.

Because dry skin is such a common problem, it has been the subject of much research. And the research has proven invaluable in the development of natural topical creams for dry skin. We now know that the skin needs nourishment just like the rest of the body. Vitamins A, B, C, E, iron, potassium, sodium and calcium in the proper amounts are vital to our skin's health. Our skin is also very sensitive to alcohol and harsh chemicals. Good skin care products avoid using these chemicals. We also know that natural oils like jojoba, grapeseed an olive oil are better than mineral oil at restoring lost moisture to our skin because these oils don't clog the pores and cause acne like mineral oil can.

Daily use of creams for getting rid of dry skin can be beneficial in other ways. Because people with psoriasis and other dry skin disorders are susceptible to secondary skin infections; many of these natural topical creams for dry skin have ingredients in them that fight off bacteria commonly found on the skin. Ingredients like active manuka honey, which has been clinically proven to effective against staph and MRSA may be listed on the label. Even if you don't have dry skin, you need this protection. Another benefit of these skin care products is that they can make your skin look and feel softer, smoother and younger and who doesn't want that?

Today people who suffer from psoriasis and other skin disorders have many more options available to them. Research has led to the reformulation of creams for getting rid of dry skin. Because of the knowledge that has been gained by this research, these products are more effective. People without these disorders can benefit from these creams as well. There is no longer a reason to suffer from dry skin.

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