Better Teen Skin As Soon As Possible
You can feel the zit under your skin, but you cannot see it yet:
• Apply a product with salicylic acid twice a day (this should prevent the pimple from coming to the surface
• Another option is using a product called "Zeno." This product looks more like a cell phone, but releases heat to fight blemishes in the earliest stages by killing bacterial that is underneath the surface
Visible red bump made its way to the surface:
• Apply over-the-counter 1% hydrocortisone cream twice a day to stop the inflammation that causes redness
You have a full-fledged zit:
• To get rid of a massive blemish before a special occasion goes to your doctor for a shot of cortisone. It is not cheap and it may sting a bit, but nothing gets rid of a zit faster. A cortisone injection brings the pimple down within 24 hours
• If you cannot get to the doctor, topical treatments like salicylic acid and hydrocortisone will suffice. Apply regularly and conceal the pimple with makeup. Try not to pick, this will only extend the life of the blemish and possibly leave a scar for life.
If you must pick, follow these instructions:
• Do not attempt to squeeze a zit that is not ready to be squeezed. When it is ready, it will be more white than red. You should wait until it is paper white.
• Sterilize a needle with rubbing alcohol
• Prick lightly in the center of your pimple
• Place your fingers on both sides of the blemish and push gently once, and only once. Let whatever comes out the first time come out. Anything left will be pushed deeper into the skin if you push more times than once.
How to Hide your Pimples:
• Choose a concealer that matches your skin tone exactly
• Avoid liquid concealers that will slide right off
• After you apply foundation, tap the concealer onto the pimple using a concealer brush
• Do not pile the concealer on
• Use just enough concealer to cover the spot
• Finish by dusting on translucent powder to set the product
You have been staying up too late, not getting enough sleep and your face is telling the whole story on you:
• Use one whole egg for normal skin
• Use one egg white for oily skin
• Use one yolk for dry skin
• Mix it up
• Apply to face
• Rinse
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