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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Natural Skincare - What You Must Know About

Today's market is flooded with skincare products that claim to be all-natural. The truth is that many of these products are far from what they claim to be. Truly natural skincare products are free of artificial perfumes, dyes, and chemicals.

Often, a product will claim to be natural when it is actually using synthetic versions of natural minerals and proteins. With so many ingredients in each product, it may seem like a daunting task to find out if a product line is truly natural, but with my help, you will be able to weed out the artificial products with ease.

The best way to find out more about a product is to go to the manufacturer's website. An honest product will have a clear list of ingredients, as well as explanations of active ingredients and how they work to benefit you. If you see alcohols and perfumes, you should typically be a little leery of the product.

In addition to being chemical in origin, alcohols actually dry out your skin and make it slightly irritated. Perfumes are often made with chemicals as well, and some even have ingredients that can be toxic in large doses. It is important to keep in mind that anything you put on your skin will also enter into your bloodstream as it is absorbed.

If a company's website does not fully answer your questions, you still have ways to find out if the product is truly all-natural. The first is to call the customer service number listed on the product's packaging. A product made by a reputable company will have someone available to answer and address any concerns you may have. If this does not work, then use your Internet to perform searches on any ingredients you are not sure of.

Where all of this can get tricky is with certain proteins. Keratin, for example is often a listed ingredient on natural skincare products. Many companies use a man-made version of keratin that while structurally similar, is unrecognizable to the skin and therefore essentially useless in producing real results.

Some companies, however, use a wool derived form of Keratin called Functional Keratin that is close enough to the Keratin produced by our own bodies that the skin is able to use it to reduce wrinkles and promote skin firmness and elasticity.

A patented version of Functional Keratin known as CynergyTK uses a patented method of rendering the Keratin so that it is so much like human skin that it has actually been nicknamed liquid skin. This is just one of the many proteins that you will have to look into when selecting a natural skincare cream or lotion.

If all of this sounds like a lot of work, rest assured that it is not. Most of this research can be done from the comfort of your own home. Once you find a natural skincare line that you believe in, that has shown documented results and has proven research, the work is over.

It is worth a great deal of homework to stop spending money on chemicals and products that simply don't work. What are you waiting for? Look today and put your skincare worries to rest for good.

Betty Wolfe is a dedicated researcher of skin care and health products. She supports and uses products that are not polluted with chemical clutter that is found in most health and beauty products.