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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Best Anti Cellulite Solution

Searching for the best anti cellulite solution? When you've got that unsightly cottage cheese effect on your thighs, you'll do just about anything to get rid of it. Lotions, potions, even surgery are considered options when nothing else seems to work. The question is, what is the best anti cellulite solution out of the lot? Well, that's something you'll have to decide for yourself, but we're going to go over a few of the options right here.

1. Laser Therapy

One of the options you have at your disposal is laser therapy, this can often times yield results that are an 83% improvement over where you started from. The only thing is, these treatments must occur 10-15 times before you see any substantial change.

It's also going to cost you a good $1,500 in order to get all the work done and perhaps most importantly this is not going to yield permanent results. You will need to keep coming back to get this done as new cellulite begins to emerge.

2. Creams and Lotions

Here is the other possible way to get rid of cellulite, using creams and lotions. Now cellulite usually hangs out under the skin and in between the connective tissues. If you want to get to get at it, what you can do is apply some of this cream to the top layer of the skin, where it is absorbed and is able to easily get access to the cellulite right beneath. It then helps to mobilize the fat and have it burned off your body.

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