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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Top Three Tips to Avoid Problem Skin

Problem skin is generally nothing more than a reflection of your attitude toward yourself. If you don't take very good care of yourself, then it stands to reason your body will reflect this neglect. Here are the top three things you can do to take better care of yourself and greatly improve the condition of your skin.

1. Decrease fat in your diet. One of the most significant factors affecting skin is diet. Each person is different and respond differently to various foods. It is important to avoid foods that increase facial acne or overall oiliness. Foods high in fat or grease as well as chocolate often negatively affect one's complexion.

It is important that you discern your skin type. There are five main categories; oily, normal, combination, dry, damaged. Each requires different care and maintenance.

2. Believe it or not stress has a dramatic influence on the condition of your skin. It is significant to reduce stress for multiple reasons, especially our skin. It seems that our face takes the burden of our emotions. Feeling down and overwhelmed can often lead to inflammation and sagging. Deep breathing can reduce stress levels by seventy percent. Simple activities such as stretching, or spending time outside have also been known to dramatically reduce stress levels in adults. This will definitely show in the face.

3. Avoid direct sun exposure. Especially these days it is much more harmful than a benefit. Always use sunscreen. There are certain times of the year in which it is especially important as the sun's rays have greater intensity. Activities that involve a reflective surface such as water or snow also require additional sunscreen as well as extra caution and care.

These simple straightforward tips when followed yield dramatic results. Remember we will have the same skin our entire lives so it is important that we properly maintain it. Taking care of it and preventative actions are most effective for creating flawless youthful looking skin.

Many products advertise the ability to make you look younger. Doesn't it make much more sense to maintain your youthful healthy skin. Or create a lifestyle and habits that promote such skin. Then it becomes only a matter of continuing what works and enjoying amazing skin.



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