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Friday, September 26, 2008

Discover the Benefits of Using Paraben Free Facial Moisturizers and Hand Cream

Are you frustrated with skincare companies who don't care what goes into their products? Paraben free facial moisturizers and paraben free hand cream are available from some companies, so why aren't all products free of parabens? Once you know what the potential effects of parabens are, you'll understand how you can benefit from using products that don't include them.

Too many of us have skin that is sensitive to harsh chemicals. It may come from using too many synthetic chemicals or it may be that so many skincare companies choose cheap ingredients for their products. For some people, it's their skin's reaction to parabens. These chemicals are preservatives that weren't formulated to be gentle to your skin- they were just created to provide a cheap way to preserve products.

If you've ever had dermatitis and didn't know why, it may have been your reaction to the parabens in your skincare products. They are known to cause reactions in some people, though many people never find out what it is that caused their skin problems. If it happens to you, you may spend a lot of time and money going to dermatologists to try to find out what caused it. In the end it will be a lot cheaper and easier to simply avoid using products that contain parabens.

If you are allergic to parabens instead of merely sensitive to them, you may get a far worse reaction. Skin irritation can be bad enough, but an allergic reaction may be a rash or even worse symptoms. Some people do develop allergies to parabens over time, and an allergy to them can develop quickly, even if they've used products with parabens before.

If you use paraben free hand cream and paraben free facial moisturizers, you won't have to worry about developing an allergy to them. You won't have to worry about whether you will develop skin irritation at a bad time, like when you have a date or business meeting planned. You also won't have to worry about the potential health risk of using parabens. Some studies have linked parabens to cancer and other serious health issues.

When you use products that are free from parabens, you get products from companies that care about their customers. They aren't putting these chemicals in their skincare products just because they're cheap and easy. They actually work to find other things to use, even if they're more expensive. A company that does this is one that is far more trustworthy than one that takes the easy road and compromises your health in the process.

Do yourself a favor and use paraben free facial moisturizers if you want to avoid the embarrassing skin irritation that can be caused by parabens. And to keep from getting the same problem on your hands, use a paraben free hand cream. It'll give you less to worry about and keep you from being around some potentially harmful substances. This is the best way to make sure that both your skin and your health aren't compromised by cheap chemicals.



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